How strong is EOS Sanji?

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AL sama

Red Haired
The burden of proof would be on you to prove you would need to be strong in the way you'd need to be strong to defeat Mihawk or be Pirate King.

What I'm telling you is that there is plausibility of the opposite because, while only Luffy will become PK and only Zoro will defeat Mihawk, it stands to reason that the whole crew will find All Blue, which includes the likes of Chopper.

His dream does not have the same implications power-wise as the dreams of the other two. That is all.
no but ok if you say so

List of characters confirmed to have been kept away from Wano by Kaido:
- Whitebeard
- Blackbeard (Shanks thought BB would move in after Kaido lost)
- Shanks (went by Wano after Kaido lost)
- Greenbull
- Gaban

I will not lie Kaido is getting some S tier portrayal
That's how he was always presented and Luffy got the farthest thing possible from a clean victory on him for a reason (well, the second farthest after Law's and Kid's).


When were you under the impression this game is..
Why should Akainu have DBZ Haki? So Akainu is only important to the plot because he was born special or something? Nah, he became who he is because of piracy. Yeah, you gotta leave the admiral fandom bro.
What. I gotta leave because I said I want him to have ACoC? Does @SakazukiTheFist have to leave too because he said it?
That's how he was always presented and Luffy got the farthest thing possible from a clean victory on him for a reason (well, the second farthest after Law's and Kid's).
Luffy never gets clean victories ever. It doesnt matter. Oda wrote a character to say Luffy is the man who defeated Kaido. He destroyed Kaidos dreams like every other character Luffy surpassed
If we really take the direction serioulsy about how Oda build Roger crew and Luffy crew:

There is a legit argument that Gaban could be legit be stronger than Oden, since im pretty sure Sanji wont end up as weaker than Yamato in EoS.

But after all we talk to much about Oden.
This chapter literally points out that things will go very bad for the Holy Knights.
Loki really pose that power.:myman:
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