This was a griping chapter. The break makes it harder, though, since I really want to know what the incident was. It would appear Oda might've subverted our expectations, and instead of having something happen to the 9 Red Scabbards, have it happen to the others. I'm very curious what happened to the Strawhats. They were going to head back to Kuri beach where the Sunny resided. Does that mean they were ambushed? I just hope they aren't captured. Maybe make it as to where communications have been cut off among all of them.
And this chapter basically confirms Kyoshiro will be his own personal player in this matter. The question remains, if Hiyori is in league with him in those plans or did they cut ties after the Banquet incident?
You know, when they said their farewells, Luffy DID say "
Don't get captured" or pretty much that to Kin-emon and the gang, so I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened to Luffy and Co. However, overall, the chapter really blew me away despite the fact that it has slowed down from the previous chapter.
Like you, I'm SUPER interested in knowing what's happened to everyone and the fact that Orochi did this himself is very interesting. He is indeed a cunning man despite being a foolish looking one, but the plan was doomed to have a setback just like what happened with Big Mom on WCI lol.
On a side note, I hope to see Law and Drake come into play at some point soon - no matter if its separately or together as well as the fate of Hawkins and seeing Apoo getting stuff together on Onigashima as part of the entertainment. Though this chapter left some questions, it was
great in my opinion.