Let's forget the swordbois who think EOS Zoro > Roger (lol), let's focus on the more interesting thing: The Admiral fandom took a massive W!
Since it's confirmed that Garp >= Sengoku and both rivaled Roger, we can easily say that Admirals are AT LEAST Yonko lv.
Akainu casually clashed and matched with old Sickbeard who was probably on par with all out Kaido/all out Big Meme/Shanks AND Papazuki MORTALLY wounded the same guy with a single blow although he was sneak attacked before.
Aokiji (Sengoku was already on par with Hero Garp when he was only an Admiral. Hence, Aokiji = Admiral Sengoku) proved to push Papazuki on extreme diff for 10 days. Hence PTS Akainu >= Aokiji. And Post-TS Akainu >= FA Sengoku > Aokiji.
In addition to that, knowing that your haki extremely blooms during extreme battles, Papazuki got a massive ZENKAI BOOST which could put him on par with Garp and thus, on par with ROGER!
"B-b-but Admirals were stalled?" Yeah, and Big Meme was stalled by Nami and Brook, so what?
"B-b-but their physical power isn't on par with Kaido/Big Meme!" No shit, that's literally irrelevant as long as they can blow up islands with their DFs.
Besides, Shanks' equal Mihawk was effortlessly stalled by another YC, Vista. Hence I doubt Shanks would perform better than Mihawk, whereas Aokiji crippled a YC for his entire life after a single distraction.
Facts: PK~FA > Yonko/Admirals. Papazuki/Garp > Kaido. Sengoku > Big Meme. Aokiji~Shanks.

Since it's confirmed that Garp >= Sengoku and both rivaled Roger, we can easily say that Admirals are AT LEAST Yonko lv.
Akainu casually clashed and matched with old Sickbeard who was probably on par with all out Kaido/all out Big Meme/Shanks AND Papazuki MORTALLY wounded the same guy with a single blow although he was sneak attacked before.
Aokiji (Sengoku was already on par with Hero Garp when he was only an Admiral. Hence, Aokiji = Admiral Sengoku) proved to push Papazuki on extreme diff for 10 days. Hence PTS Akainu >= Aokiji. And Post-TS Akainu >= FA Sengoku > Aokiji.
In addition to that, knowing that your haki extremely blooms during extreme battles, Papazuki got a massive ZENKAI BOOST which could put him on par with Garp and thus, on par with ROGER!
"B-b-but Admirals were stalled?" Yeah, and Big Meme was stalled by Nami and Brook, so what?
"B-b-but their physical power isn't on par with Kaido/Big Meme!" No shit, that's literally irrelevant as long as they can blow up islands with their DFs.
Besides, Shanks' equal Mihawk was effortlessly stalled by another YC, Vista. Hence I doubt Shanks would perform better than Mihawk, whereas Aokiji crippled a YC for his entire life after a single distraction.
Facts: PK~FA > Yonko/Admirals. Papazuki/Garp > Kaido. Sengoku > Big Meme. Aokiji~Shanks.

Ultimate winner's of this chapter:
Admiral and Mihawk fandom.
Ultimate losers of this chapter:
Yonkou fandom.