Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Bigger threat than BM at tea party due to FS
Among the mightiest people
Main fight of WCI and milestone for luffy
Beside Luffy & Rayleigh, he is the only Yonko/Admirals to have Two rare abilities , not forgetting he is an awakened df user
Let your King/Queen top that
- He was never stated to be a bigger threat than BM. He was the biggest obstacle in stopping the plan to put down BM, as he was the 2nd strongest after BM. Reread the panel.

- Wapol was also a main fight for an arc, guess what? He was weak compared to Crocodiles underlings.

- He was a milestone? No, that's just your headcanon. He was a stepping stone for Luffy to enter the 1 billion + bounty realm.

- That's good for him? The fact is he with having FS is considered to be worthy of 1 billion bounty. While Jack without any flashy shit like FS is considered worthy of 1 billion bounty. Goes to show how much relevance that unique ability holds.

Fleet Admiral of the Marines, Sakazuki consider Queen a bigger threat than Katakuri.
Gorosei consider Queen a bigger threat than Katakuri.
The organization that runs the damn world, the world government, considers Queen a bigger threat than Katakuri.

A near 300 mil bigger threat than Katakuri.
Here is my question to you guys!
When Kyoshiro/Denjiro was walking in the street, and some pitiful people were asking about him being a stranger, and he walked passed them and they are knocked out.
Do you think that they were knocked out by him hitting them? or was that Oda's way of giving a hint about him having CoC????

What do you guys think?


Pepebusi Spammer
Here is my question to you guys!
When Kyoshiro/Denjiro was walking in the street, and some pitiful people were asking about him being a stranger, and he walked passed them and they are knocked out.
Do you think that they were knocked out by him hitting them? or was that Oda's way of giving a hint about him having CoC????

What do you guys think?
If you see the two guys in the panel, they were bloodied. So i assume denjiro punch/kick them.
Guys, the bounty gap is not the only thing to determinate someone's strength.
Jack's bounty is close to Katakuri's - would you think someone like Shutenmaru can easily blitz Kata? Or Katakuri needing 5 days to defeat one of the Dukes?
Queen is apparently better, in what exactly? Exclude the bounty gap, how is Queen better than Katakuri? Brute strength? Sure, Queen may be stronger, it is just useless against Katakuri's shapeshifting plus FS.

At the moment, people tend to overestimate Commanders like Jack and Queen extremely. It is likely that King could be stronger than Katakuri but there's no way the third strongest Beast Pirate is stronger than Big Mom's strongest fighters.

YC1 characters usually have something which puts them comfortably above the average Yonko Commanders.
Katakuri has his FS and King will have an ability comparable to Kata's; he'd be rather the offensive type whilst Kata is more evasive.
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