Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

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It seems predictability is the trend in Wano arc... Kaido being a Dragon, Kyoshiro being Denjiro, Komurasaki being Hiyori and Kanjuro being the traitor, all of this was predicted tons of times by theorists and fans.

When you have months and months to discuss a well designed traitor plot with no contradictions, then obviously you are going to eventually guess the traitor.

You guys are ridiculous.

Why? Aren't you satisfied with the outcome of the traitor?
Man, @playa4321 and @Pantheos predicted this plot all along, lol.
Read the above, if this arc was a 2 hour movie, you wouldnt have been able to guess it easily. Its only after 250 chapters of moments where Kanjuro has acted "off" that people were able to get it
The only reason this was predictable is because you guys had a couple of people with Future sight about it like me and @Topi Jerami and maybe one more who analyzed the shit out of it...
Go reread the series on your own.. away from ANY MEDIA that gives you hints and clues.. and let's see how far can an individual predict from the series without any help from others hahahaa
The twists are actually not really surprising though

Courtesan Komurasaki, Wano's number 1 Prostitute.
From her debut many already guessed, this must be Oden's daughter. Turns out to be right

Kyoshiro is Denjiro.
Not as obvious as Komurasaki = Hiyori twist, but many still guessed it already.

Traitor is Kanjuro.
As soon as the possibility of traitor is being brought back again in Wano arc (him being the traitor wasn't obvious at all during Zou arc imo), many already guessed it to be Kanjuro. The one retainer who appeared since long ago, but still never got enough focus. Introduced earlier than Raizo and Okiku but Raizo and Okiku already got more focus. Dukes already got far more focus than him. Kanjuro just stays in background among the retainers so it's easy for people to suspect Kanjuro as the traitor.
Kanjuro vs the alliance:

Shitty background character vs insufferable morons, only one will prevail!!

But hilarious how a plot that has been built up since 2015 has reasoning this utterly shite :milaugh:

"He CwaAzZzYy!!" Literally nothing else at all, other than the fact that he is a mad Kurozumi...

Oda reminding us once again how he's all style over substance at this point. It wouldn't even be that hard honestly. Oden was an aggressively retarded fucker. His stupidity, incompetence and undeserved wank could've been an understandable reason for such a betrayal. If you want the "mad" traitor idea, you could even apply it there and have someone so crazy that they are literally willing to burn in a boiling pot to get a direct experience of the pain the clown you betrayed was going through. That at least ties the madness to something, instead of it just being random BS. Even something that basic would've been a lot better, lol.

But alas, One Piece isn't that sort of series anymore. We're expected to scream and applaud simply because there was a traitor, rather than the traitor plot meaning anything significant. We spend time fawning over "foreshadowing" instead of what this means for the characters and the story don't you know.

Here I was hoping I might find a solitary character to root for in this godforsaken arc...Goddamn lmaooo
Why? Aren't you satisfied with the outcome of the traitor?
Man, @playa4321 and @Pantheos predicted this plot all along, lol.
That Plot in itself was streched FAR too long for my taste. Since Zou the theories about the potential traitor were very prominent, and I'm just glad that it's finally past us.

And yes, it's very disappointing. I'm not someone that believes every twist we didn't expect is automatically good. For example Kaidou being a Dragon or Kyoshiro being Denjiro was fine, but this "twist" was just not worth the amount of discussion we put in.

In the end Oda chose the least prominent and liked out of the scabbards, and have him fulfill the traitor role for the purpose of someone getting the blame.
Raizo would've been better or Kinemon would be absolutely great
Personality switch, just like I thought. One additional and a pretty underrated hint was the make up he used aswell. Similar to the theme that pyscho clown/joker theme, it can mean that you're acting all well to the outside, while you are plenty fucked up inside. The two faced thing
Also shows the link to his theatre/acting background.

But yeah, I'm not really surprised. What hypes me up is that Kid, Luffy, Law panel. Oda will go overboard with those guys. And their clothes really do their job just fine. They look freaking epic.
I'm so fucking pumped for Onigashima, it's unreal. What a time to be an OP fan. Those hybrid modes, Zolo with Enma, RS Sanji, the leader trio, the emperors, the numbers, the flying six, hybrid Drake.. Every chapter where one of those like 20+characters are in action will be extremely cool to see. So chances are high, that there are a whole lot of very cool chapters incoming.
Brah, Momonosuke gets hostage'd tho? Hmm..
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