I see....you started "excuses" for King already.....

Not excuse, this is
Oda we are talking about!!
Same author who made Big Mom got speedblitzed by Brook, same author who made Big Mom's attack got tanked by Chopper, same author who had hyped her for years, only to have her spamming wedding cake as soon as she finally gets an arc.
Same author who had hyped Dragon since East Blue saga only to make him running away the first time he took an action. Same author who made Luffy defeated Katakuri, Doffy and Cracker but can't protect Otama from headliner!! Same author who hyped Zoro's endurance since East Blue saga but made him fainted fastly in Wano!! Same author who changed Mr. Prince the genius strategiest and fighting cook into Mr. Princess the crying damsel. Same author who turned Chopper the dependable little monster into trash mascot!! Same author who turned Nami the sneaky thief into Miss Fanservice and Damsel!!
Nothing is impossible in this manga, the logics are not there anymore!!!
but why does it feel like while momo has taken hostage while he was talking to Luffy he didn't bother to jump from the bird...he was just sitting back while Kanjuro didn't even bother to tie him up...
Genius Momo or should I say genius Oda
> Makes Momo and scrubbards don't fear death and yoloing Kaido
> now I'm afraid I will die jumping from this height!!