Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

Who would win?

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Apoo would wash Doffy
Luffy with better CoO and reaction speed than Doffy has trouble...

Doffy would be washed... He migjt only win if he pulls out Awakening.


Stop overatting Doffy... One can solo Enma Zoro and Wano bass Luffy while the other with help can't even dominate DR Law and DR Luffy easily.
Doflamingo survived Gamma Knife, that would kill Luffy/Zoro, let alone Apoo's attacks.

Like I said, congrats to Apoo, but he ain't nowhere near Law/Kid/Luffy level. Kid is gonna fodderize him next chapter.


He went into Big Mom's Territory that's enough. Why would he go there if not to do something? It would be more of a win for him if he didn't get "ejected" from her territory.
BMP thought Kidd was going for BM and when Kidd ran aqua after doing what he wanted... They thought Kidd is a weak

While Apoo for sure failed to enter deep into Tottoland, Urouge beat Snack.
I also said Zoro could 1shot Apoo, but your gunna ignore that...
Thats not relevant to our discussion though, my point is its highly unrealistic that Oda will make Apoo so overpowered, CoO is completely useless on him.

What happened in this chapter was obvious plot convenience just like Zoro passing out to killer was.

Anyways why why you calling people Zorotards/Zoro fanboys in this very thread? What did they say that was so outrageous, they deserve to be branded fanboys?


Doflamingo survived Gamma Knife, that would kill Luffy/Zoro, let alone Apoo's attacks.

Like I said, congrats to Apoo, but he ain't nowhere near Law/Kid/Luffy level. Kid is gonna fodderize him next chapter.
Ganma knife would most people except BM WB Oden...

I didn't say Apoo is equal to them.
Apoo is below them but he is clearly pushing Doffy/Jack to upper-mid diff/High diff at least. Something DR Law could do if he was fresh vs Doffy 1 v 1
Sanji is definitely better than Bege/Hawkins/Killer/Bonney
Fact or headcanon?

People are downplaying killer aren't they?
Only because Zoro fought and won against killer that doesn't mean that Sanji is above killer. Where does this logic come from?
Do you think Killer is really above Apoo? I am not that sure cuz we havent see they fight.

So far in Wano we saw the result of 5 finished fight that weren't off-screen (so Law against Hawking is hard to know what really happen)
Zoro vs 2 member of the special elite ninja group of Wano (while protecting Hyori) Zoro won
Zoro vs Killer - Zoro won
Luffy vs Sumo guy - Luffy won
Luffy vs headliner (lion guy that hold tama) Luffy won
Luffy vs Kaido - Kaido won

All the other clashes remains unfinished and are object to headcanon (so just object to speculation)

So how can you be so confident to put Sanji above Killer? Where do you get all this Sanji feat on Wano?

Were do you get all this Law feat on Wano? or even Kid feat?

So far Kid hasn't fought 1 single shit character in Wano (todays we saw the first feat for Kid) without knowing the end result though.

So how can people put some character above other when Oda prefer to use different parameter to determine who win in a fight.
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