okay i believe i block all person who dislike wano. if dislike wano have question about spoiler i dont answer
Now don't block me pretty please.
@Zoro D Goat was lying when he said I disliked Wano.
I already built a small appreciation altar in my toilet for Goda sama (may He always blesses us) and really liking Wano so far. My favorite parts are all parts but the highlights are:
- awesome cover story of Capone Gang Bege (many important things happened here such as Firetanks vs SSG, Lola's return and Pound being alive)
- fierce fights between Luffy and Holdem, Urashima, Babanuki, and the fools who wasted food
- mindblowing flashback of Lord Oden and his informative Lady Toki that too bad only lasted for 4 months (would be better if it lasted 4 years)
- the Kanjuro is traitor reveal that brought everyone mini heart attack because I swear nobody in the planet saw it coming
Very happy that I am alive in One Piece era and lucky enough to witness the masterpiece.