Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

Who Is Luffy’s Right Hand Man?

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So if RS Sanji's base kicks are G3 level will his best attacks be KKG level?

Maybe that's why he let Page1 live, going all out would've destroyed the Flower Capital.
Sanji didn't go all out cause he wants to add some salt to the fans later when P1/Ulti embarrass Luffy LMAO

Day after day, Sanji haters are getting shut down.... Sanji is getting back is validation thankfully... Justice will prevail hahaha


Zoro Worshipper
Monet thing was different, Luffy wasn´t much serious, didn´t have fs...
Ulti is different, Luffy admitted her strenght already in his first headclash, he go use his full power and yet get in trouble, she bring Luffy to a point where he need G4 because he probably see Ulti attack was very bad. Serious Luffy would stomp Monet.
But the point that Oda portrayed a fight having Luffy almost killed despite her opponent was much weaker stands

If we remove PIS, Luffy would have low-mid diffed Monet with Red Hawks + Grizzly Magnum :)
Nah... I def struck a nerve here cuz you seem pressed bro might need to lay off Worstgen for a while and get your life together
Well, if that's what you think, good for you haha

Whos Who not interested on "rats"
Sasaki chained
Black Maria is with Kaido
Drake unknown
Page 1 and Ulti fighting with Luffy.

Kid who is portrayed in the same level as Luffy needs his right hand man to fight against Killers whereas Luffy's right mand Zoro doesn't need any help, haha :suresure:
Kidd is a Tsundere trash, what do you expect LMAO
Luffy never used Future Sight and Advanced Armament Haki with Gear 2 and Gear 3. That is what will make it a lot stronger which is why Oda is not letting luffy use it at all during this time on Onigashima.
I could swear I read one of your posts in the luffy powerlevel discussion which said PDA is purposely having luffy not using G4 as it is reserved for kaido..
Now from the pics,luffy admits he has to use G4 to tank an attack from Ulti.
This arc is destroying powerlevel headcanon bit by bit,at this rate I am not even sure if luffy is above either King or Marco let alone Yamato.
Monet thing was different, Luffy wasn´t much serious, didn´t have fs...
Ulti is different, Luffy admitted her strenght already in his first headclash, he go use his full power and yet get in trouble, she bring Luffy to a point where he need G4 because he probably see Ulti attack was very bad. Serious Luffy would stomp Monet.
this clash is a good thing for both Ulti and Luffy...Oda didn't dehype both of them

Luffy saw the attack that was coming from Ulti and realized it was gonna be very bad....means he used FS without issues....

Luffy needing G4 to come out of Ulti grip meant she was very strong in her dino form...even fodders surrounded her making these comments about her forum and how it is going to destroy the castle and all.....it hyped Ulti....the female character in One Piece so far with hype and feats to back up...

Also Luffy using G4 means it is not his trump card anymore. And he hasn't used the form of newly learnt advanced CoA. Without that Luffy clearly can't do devastating damage in base form or g2/g3 to physically strong fighters very quickly.....

Either way I felt that Oda handled this situation very well....not dehyping either of the fighters...
Luffy never used Future Sight and Advanced Armament Haki with Gear 2 and Gear 3. That is what will make it a lot stronger which is why Oda is not letting luffy use it at all during this time on Onigashima.
I could swear I read one of your posts in the luffy powerlevel discussion which said ODA is purposely having luffy not using G4 as it is reserved for kaido..
Now from the pics,luffy admits he has to use G4 to tank an attack from Ulti.
This arc is destroying powerlevel headcanon bit by bit,at this rate I am not even sure if luffy is above either King or Marco let alone Yamato.

Formerly Seth

Dude when Luffy pulled that move on Ulti ( jump behind her and toss her by her horns ) I was like f**k yeah!!!!!!!!! Kidd and Zoro will show these bastards what they are made off and yo! Yamato is a g!!!!!!
I'm so f'ing glad he is not a child and scrub.

Good chapter before the break I'm satisfied.

ps. If Momo's crucifixion will be succesfull then easy 10/10 chapter:steef:


When were you under the impression this game is..
I could swear I read one of your posts in the luffy powerlevel discussion which said PDA is purposely having luffy not using G4 as it is reserved for kaido..
Now from the pics,luffy admits he has to use G4 to tank an attack from Ulti.
This arc is destroying powerlevel headcanon bit by bit,at this rate I am not even sure if luffy is above either King or Marco let alone Yamato.
This dude thinks luffys ap is the strongest. Even stronger then top tiers.
I think Luffy realized he needed to use G4 to get himself free of her grip. It's possible he foresaw how devastating the next attack was. Same as when he needed to use G4 to break free from Doffy's parasite string.

Ulti is at least as strong as Doflamingo, but we saw what G4 did to Doflamingo. Luffy is trying to preserve his strength for the real fight without taking an considerable damage.
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