Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

Who Is Luffy’s Right Hand Man?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Somehow Luffy/Kidd/Zoro/Yamato gonna destroy the whole castle and Kaido gets angry and destroys them....I am seeing this....

Also, from fodders talk Ulti is damn strong....
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he used....he predicted Ulti attack....
Dudes been trying to tell people to chill and have fun repeatedly. Saying that its the only time of the year they can relax. Im sensing some bottled up anger. If the sns fuck the banquet up, that club of his is gonna get busy.
Right? There's 6 Tobi Roppos, and Luffy runs into two of them at once. Meanwhile Zoro comes face to face with a Beatleborg.
Whos Who not interested on "rats"
Sasaki chained
Black Maria is with Kaido
Drake unknown
Page 1 and Ulti fighting with Luffy.
Well, it's not like I'm a Kidd or Killer supporter, you know LMAO
you act like you're pressing on my nerve using their name when I literally give ZERO FUCKS about their power levels or where they stand hahaha
I'm known for being a Kidd hater by the way hahaha
Kid who is portrayed in the same level as Luffy needs his right hand man to fight against Killers whereas Luffy's right mand Zoro doesn't need any help, haha :suresure:


Pepebusi Spammer
I mean, didn't they figure out who Luffy and Zoro were?
The last chapter, its clear that Fukurokuju informed to Kaido and Orochi about them. But seems like Fukurokuju said to Kaido and orochi everything will be fine

I guess he can use RS and collapse while seen Black Maria .

An invisible L at least.
A L is a L, no matter what. This is modified raid suit sanji, i dont want oda use sanji in his modified raid suit as a GAG anymore. :josad:
Well, it's not like I'm a Kidd or Killer supporter, you know LMAO
you act like you're pressing on my nerve using their name when I literally give ZERO FUCKS about their power levels or where they stand hahaha
I'm known for being a Kidd hater by the way hahaha
Nah... I def struck a nerve here cuz you seem pressed bro might need to lay off Worstgen for a while and get your life together
Also expected G2/G3 Luffy to be way stronger then before,so far it looks without G4 he is getting trashed by top 3 yonkou commander,which is a shame.I expected that Oda would make Luffy's weaker gears stronger by now.
Luffy never used Future Sight and Advanced Armament Haki with Gear 2 and Gear 3. That is what will make it a lot stronger which is why Oda is not letting luffy use it at all during this time on Onigashima.
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