Orochi at stage can be Kanjuro's drawing. And as was shown in earlier chapter, the drawing can also make some sort of blood.
"But but how can Orochi knows Kaido will kill him?"
Actually that is not the case. It isn't Kaido that he feared, but the rebellion. He always got scared of the 20 years prophecy, and today is supposed to be the Big Day.
Not too farfetched to think that a scaredy cat, yet scheming man like Orochi, prepares a body double for this Big Day of Prophecy.
But to his surprise, it's not Scrubbards or their allies that harm him instead it's Kaido.
"But but how can Orochi knows Kaido will kill him?"
Actually that is not the case. It isn't Kaido that he feared, but the rebellion. He always got scared of the 20 years prophecy, and today is supposed to be the Big Day.
Not too farfetched to think that a scaredy cat, yet scheming man like Orochi, prepares a body double for this Big Day of Prophecy.
But to his surprise, it's not Scrubbards or their allies that harm him instead it's Kaido.

"But but how can Orochi knows Kaido will kill him?" maybe he is fear that someday he will suffer and betrayed by Kaido same as from what Oden experienced by his deed.