Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

Who is stronger?

  • King

    Votes: 106 41.2%
  • Katakuri

    Votes: 91 35.4%
  • Raid Suit Sanji

    Votes: 60 23.3%

  • Total voters
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Peerless In History
Casuals dont care man. They'll wank and suck anything Oda writes. I suggest finding a new fav.
Manga or character? One piece is not my favorite manga and I'm not an actual fan if im willing to abandon a character I genuinely like over gags. She's bullet proof to anti-feats or whatever anyone calls it. She'll get back up and still be 100% clean.
Zoro will not fight Kaido alongside Luffy
He will fight queen

This is the same stuff over and over again
Oda won't have a Strawhat fight alongside Luffy vs the Main villain.
Zoro will end up fighting Queen or King.

Only Luffy Law Kidd will end up there and lose.

The raid is failing anyway, especially if BMP show up to aid beast pirates
hahahahahahahaha, Queen is for Jimbei


When were you under the impression this game is..

Oh i see, they bfred her away and the SHs are posing against king/queen and gifters


Shs and plot>>>>>>> Powerlevels, just change your mindset. She cant fight them because she would kill them so Oda keeps doing stupid shit like this. Take it as a gag and move on mate, its not healthy. Character strength#character portrayal, you should know this by now.
Im kinda miffed they did BM like that but you know she has nothing, remember how people were saying that bike damaged her? it didnt do shit, its all Gags and PIS. Im done caring about it and you should too.
Look how he portrays her as scary when she isnt in the vicinity of the Shs, the Shs cant die and will always win. It is what it is.
What the fuck?
Zoro killed Hawkins 3 times
Took out his strongest card
O Tsuru called Zoro the winner through which Oda is showing us that Zoro has won the encounter
In Zoro's presence Hawkins failed to put a nick on Luffy
He lost 3 subordinates

Zoro royally fucked Hawkins up in that clash, and it showed if they actually fought, they would get neg diffed. Saying Zoro lost his clash to Hawkins is FAR more retarded than saying Sanji lost to Yonji.
Who was injured ? Zoro
Who ran away ? Zoro

Yh stfu.
Anyways fucking Sanji, he's irrelevant and can fight King Queen, Idgaf fuck.

Biggest thing to take away from this chapter is that Yonkou are pathetic turds who stands no chance against Pirate King level++ character like Mihawk.
No shit a run of a mill swordsman like Oden fucked strongest Yonko up and no shit Shanks is just a one armed has been compared to Mihawk.

Kizaru was right abotu soloing Big Mom and Kaido and Akianu was not worried about them because they are dog shit and he was more worried about samurai


I still can't believe Big Mom got thrown out of the battle like that. Jesus Christ, it's worse then having your fight off-screened, she was thrown off-screen and the battle kept going.

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