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● Coo specialist but without FS like Kuri and got tailed by Drake's slowest form :josad:
● King's suit isn't like Magical power ranger that can give u Durability - Boosters - Floating device and King's fire always appears behind him while sanji doesn't and King's fire lasted 5 days after the war against Oden we didn't see this feat with sanji who started to use DJ against fodders while King never did .:catcry:
● Sanji himself said invisibility is just a visuel thing so it can be detected by CoO while we don't know abut invisibility Df especially its awakening so they aren't the same thing it's like a suit that has rubber properties but can we say it is the same as Luffy's Df 😏:wellwell:
● Well he is a genius prets but WCI showed something else and don't compare him to benbeckman who was described to be calm even in dire situation he can analyse things not like sanji in WCI .:sanmoji:
● Flying kicks are u serious ? King overpowered him casually with suit while he can't even push Doffy midair using sky walk and DJ meanwhile Marco kicked an admiral and sent him to the ground and Vergo casually cracked his leg:phoenixmarco::doffytroll:
● Ray a blonde one - a swordman - VC while Sanji has a leg fighting style and Jinbei after he joined he stole his place .:finally:
● that all in one should be remplaced with this :usoprice::chopoff:
what is this guy are you talking about? can you resend the image??

Those two are CP9 agent 22 years ago from Nico Olivia flashback, they were the two people who wrecked Olivia with Suro then Shigan!

I'm talking about the guy in the left side

Also, the guy on the right who looks like Badass Rayleigh is confirmed to be Kalifa's father, the blonde woman from CP9
They are the veterans of CP9

● Coo specialist but without FS like Kuri and got tailed by Drake's slowest form :josad:
● King's suit isn't like Magical power ranger that can give u Durability - Boosters - Floating device and King's fire always appears behind him while sanji doesn't and King's fire lasted 5 days after the war against Oden we didn't see this feat with sanji who started to use DJ against fodders while King never did .:catcry:
● Sanji himself said invisibility is just a visuel thing so it can be detected by CoO while we don't know abut invisibility Df especially its awakening so they aren't the same thing it's like a suit that has rubber properties but can we say it is the same as Luffy's Df 😏:wellwell:
● Well he is a genius prets but WCI showed something else and don't compare him to benbeckman who was described to be calm even in dire situation he can analyse things not like sanji in WCI .:sanmoji:
● Flying kicks are u serious ? King overpowered him casually with suit while he can't even push Doffy midair using sky walk and DJ meanwhile Marco kicked an admiral and sent him to the ground and Vergo casually cracked his leg:phoenixmarco::doffytroll:
● Ray a blonde one - a swordman - VC while Sanji has a leg fighting style and Jinbei after he joined he stole his place .:finally:
● that all in one should be remplaced with this :usoprice::chopoff:
Do you really hate Sanji so much or you just like baiting Sanji fans? lol
Funny questions, where the fuck is Kid? What the fuck Marco is doing? Did Big Mom get oneshoted by Robin?
Considering the fact that he's amongst the strongest in the alliance he should fight against someone strong or at the very least do samthing. Marco didn't save Momo, I guess he doesn't give a shit about Oden's son, he also is not fighting against Clamatiais or Flying six. Wtf Oda?
Maybe he runs into big mom lol
The idea of Luffy having something up his sleeve besides Gear 4 continues to grow... He is literally spamming it like Gear 2... Also Oda established a Mortal Kombat tower type of thing in Onigashima, in order to get to the boss you need to fight all your way up there against strong folks that is indeed dope!
Now, where is Law and Kidd?
And it is quite obvious that the man with 1% is not Luffy, Drake wouldn't be dumb enough to join a man that he got to know now and not only that has a death mark on his head.

Waiting for the Big Mom, Marco and Perospero comeback.
Awesome chapter. Hawkins is finally back and he is looking good as always:

He has a couple of bandages, but it's not too bad. He did fight a 2vs1 after all.

I wonder what he will do next, now that Drake will probably ally with Luffy and the others. Drake already told Hawkins that it's the perfect time to betray Kadio. I think he will do that soon enough. He is an opportunist after all. He isn't dumb or reckless, he is smart and cunning.

Hopefully he will get his crew back again and join the alliance vs. Kaido and Big Mom.
I don't know why I check today's translations when I know i'm gonna be mad.

Anyways there's only one thing that I want to make clear(although there are a lot)

In this line, Hawkins doesn't say 'That man' but 'Certain man'. I'm saying this because 'that man' would probably mean Law and Drake is not included in this, and no, Drake is included in this.

This makes me mad because most people don't check the official translation(i'm not saying that mangaplus's translation doesn't have errors(specially the spanish translation XD), but these are a lot better than friday's translations)
Funny questions, where the fuck is Kid? What the fuck Marco is doing? Did Big Mom get oneshoted by Robin?
Considering the fact that he's amongst the strongest in the alliance he should fight against someone strong or at the very least do samthing. Marco didn't save Momo, I guess he doesn't give a shit about Oden's son, he also is not fighting against Clamatiais or Flying six. Wtf Oda?
Relax. Marco is the alliances trump card currently. Kept out of the business until the story demands his interference.

Marco can have multiple roles now. He can stall Big mom so that Luffy can climb up or he can fight King.
The Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe highlight though! Excellent! Knew it was Drake that freed Law. I found Luffy’s reaction to him asking to join up to be pretty funny. Add Drake to the part of the team that’ll take down Kaido and Big Mom (Luffy, Law, Kid, Marco, Drake, and Hawkins). Looks like Hawkins isn’t ready to switch yet, probably will when he first sees Luffy against Kaido. He definitely isn’t staying on their side. Also wonder what that “Wisdom King” thing is about...

Did I mention that Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe highlight?


So this is why Kyoshiro didn't kill Sasaki. It's because Sasaki is his best friend. Does it only apply to Sasaki only or rest of Flying Six?

Ulti only has bond with Page One. Drake is a double agent and doesn't care about anyone and Black Maria has no intention to become calamity and Who'sWho is a bitch.

I expect Sasaki to help the alliance later after he might fight Jinbei or Kyoshiro defeats him. Sasaki might be another fishman like Jinbei who would help Luffy and leave his boss like Jinbei left World Government.
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