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Kitetsu Wanker
i really don’t understand why people hate sanji vs king

oda is setting up worstgen/supernova vs kaido

so it only makes sense sanji also gets to shine
That's the point, you answered your own question.
Sanji is neither Worst Generation nor Supernova so Oda will give him someone like Perospero with who he has some grudge...
Besides, a swordsman vs Sanji is impossible because Sanji simply gets low diffed...
Even when plot babysits him he is still a hype tool for King...
There is also a possibility that not a single enemy will be taken out in 1vs1...


When were you under the impression this game is..
This is retarded. If they scabbards could just hurt Kaido like that all the time then why the he’ll didn’t they wreck him with Oden 20 years ago ?

I don’t know what the fuck is Oda doing. Too bad because Onigashima was awesome right until that atrocity of a development

This is from another user on NF, perfectly sums up the absolute trash tier writting we're witnessing rn.
But for Sasaki Black Maria or WsW I don't really imagine the SH there. But with a good PU each and if they use everything they learnt during their TS why not, I can maybe accept it. (except for WsW who is the strongest F6 for me and stronger than any SH bar M4)
Well, Franky told Jinbe that FrankyShogun is modified, and he said that he will create weapons to defeat Kaido, so he must be full of cards up his sleeve, Oda can push him to Tobi Roppo level easily.

Brook and Robin I use a little bit of my imagination lol

Brook has a DF that we saw during the TS as is peculiar, he can use the dead powers of the underworld, he just needs a power-up like nightmare Luffy, only using the souls of the underworld. Oda can push him to Tobi Roppo too... Remember that Brook even hurt Big Mom's homies when he came into contact with souls.

Robin I imagine her using her powers in the same way as Netero, when he summons Guanyin, she also has her own DF power-up that Oda can turn into a massive power to defeat a tobi roppo

Don't see WW being stronger than Sasaki ... Both were said to be ex-pirate captains, and they have a rivalry. They are the strongest TR, just as Franky and Brook are the strongest outside the M4.
WW is perhaps the most promising, but Brook in FI also faced Zeo, who was more promising than Franky's opponent



World's Strongest Swordsman
This is retarded. If they scabbards could just hurt Kaido like that all the time then why the he’ll didn’t they wreck him with Oden 20 years ago ?

I don’t know what the fuck is Oda doing. Too bad because Onigashima was awesome right until that atrocity of a development

This is from another user on NF, perfectly sums up the absolute trash tier writting we're witnessing rn.
Because it was 1000 vs 10
That's the point, you answered your own question.
Sanji is neither Worst Generation nor Supernova so Oda will give him someone like Perospero with who he has some grudge...
Besides, a swordsman vs Sanji is impossible because Sanji simply gets low diffed...
Even when plot babysits him he is still a hype tool for King...
There is also a possibility that not a single enemy will be taken out in 1vs1...
Assuming Sanji will always be weaker than all of SNs is bit of a stretch though. However, I agree on Sanji getting no 1v1’s this arc, I gave up on him. So did Oda...
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