By the way, there is absolutely NO way Jack is finished...At this point I am CONVINCED of the original idea I had before about how the war will turn out:
- First, The alliance will WIN against Beast Pirates, yes that includes EVEN Kaido....
- Alliance will be so exhausted and they barely hanging by a thread
- THEN, Kaido/Calamities/Flying Six ALL come back from being knocked out.. into almost fully recovered "which was foreshadowed many times with Jack/Ulti/Pageone...etc' they keep coming back up...
So, they all will rise back up, and alliance will basically lose overwhelmingly through a counter by beast pirates, and THEN we will ave an interference from third party, and then the final last stand....
I think this is why pacing feels very fast in this war... like Jack getting defeated already? get real LMAO...Beast pirates will all seem like defeated.. then ALL of them will stand up giving a huuuge big spread page by Oda which shows how terrifying they are as they are fresh again while alliance are at death door