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Kaido brutal defense in Dragon form get countered by Ryou of the Scabbard
Kaido fire breath get countered by Kinemon
Kaido lightning get countered by Okiku and Izo(?)
Kaido ice ability most like get countered
Kaido weather manipulation aka tornado probably get countered.

You can see a clear way with Oda use, at this point you should know the Scabbard where fucked up... Kaido abilites get countered again and again and that is what Oda try to make, the Scabbard beeing his weakeness.

And that is the point where everything get countered, Kaido lvl up and going even more with power. At this point Kaido will show a simple rule, like you have a ability to counter him or not he will fuck up your soon or later.
And this is where this going on, even someone as Enel was shown similar and it will end like with Enel,he will beat the shit of them later.

This will also show some interesting point, Luffy just don't beating Kaido because of having Ryou, Kaido will also fuck him up. As I said as long as the Navy don't show up, the raid will fail. I don't know how it continue then but it will happen. Oda already struggel enough to hold back Kaido, what you think if the another Kaido(Big mom) come up to the roof, Oda can't hold her so long he must bring her back later. Same goes for the Big mom pirates, he do anything in favour for the alliance but he can't do it for ever, it will rapidly change soon.

I just enjoy right now the Scabbard and love it too see more fight skills of both Scabbard and Kaido. I mean we screaming and crying enough for so long and now after such long time we get finally a onscreen battle and people still crying. I understand everything for the Jcak vs Minks part,I don't like it too but why the Scabbard vs Kaido? Even Akainu was hold up by the Whitebeard pirates, the Scabbard aren't weak trash characters like the Vinsmoke who get stomped quickly by Big mom, they can hold up for shorttime against Kaido. Oden said for good reason" don't underestimate my Scabbard". I would just enjoy it, im sure it gonna change after some chapters pass.
(note: as usual, take a grain of salt as it's a translation of a translation and by the way he writes, the leaker himself doesnt have access to the content yet...)

Based on the official notification, no break...

Most of the chapter content seem to be about Scabbards vs. Kaido

Kaido attack with some lightning form (not sure about that one?)

Kiku use a snow-based attack ("snowflake"?)

Izo mentioned about a name ("bacchonamaru"??) while using a skill, but it is unclear if it is the name of the sniping skill itself or if it is the name of the gun

+ additional comments by 106.101
  • Q: 토비롯포 나머지 능력은 언제 나와...
  • A: 블랙마리아 말고 일절 안 나온다고 함.
  • Q: 블랙마리아 능력?
  • A : ㄴㄴ 토비롯포가 블랙마리아 말곤 얼굴 비추는 애가 없다고 함.
Q: When does the DF power of other F6 is shown...
A: nothing is shown except for Black Maria
Q: Black Maria's power?
A: no no, only Black Maria's face is shown (sounds like her power is not shown yet?)

  • Q: 야마토안나오나요??
  • A: 쏘스한테 물어보니까 나오는데 모모 쫓는 딱 한 컷이라 함..

Q: Yamato isn't shown?
A: I asked the source and it said only one time, chasing Momo

  • Q : 킹이나 퀸은 안나오는거야?
  • A: ㅇㅇ 안 나옵니다
Q: Aren't King and Queen shown?
A: yes, they dont appear
So Kiku didn't block Kaido's attack
I understand your feelings but Oda is waiting maybe for the chapter 1000 to make a move for Kaido.
If scabbards are doing this to Kaido, imagine the SN. But it's obvious Oda is nerfing Kaido to make him weaker for Luffy. When luffy will defeat Kaido, his victory will be kinda acceptable.
But we should be careful, in those spoilers it just says izoo shots at kaido and Kiku cuts the lightning but nothing about Kaido being hurt ^^
To be fair..... whitebeard suffered from major damage through out marineford. Before being comfort by blackbeard and his crew.
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What do you think will be this intermission chapter about ?

The Marine leaving to go to Wano ? Boa and Sabo in jail ? Vegapunk SSG ? Weevil ?
i think Mihawk will be seen again , either fighting SSG's weapon or is revealed to be somewhere in New World , after being pushed out of Kuraigana by Marines

we also will see Blackbeard Pirates getting Pluton .

i think Mihawk and Blackbeard Pirates with Pluton will eventually be tied to Red Hair Pirates

don't know if Sabo and Boa will be shown or not . but i think Oda implied her and Vivi were in bad situations in some event

the Marines going to Wano , Vegapunk , and Weevil are maybe


World's Strongest Swordsman
Kaido brutal defense in Dragon form get countered by Ryou of the Scabbard
Kaido fire breath get countered by Kinemon
Kaido lightning get countered by Okiku and Izo(?)
Kaido ice ability most like get countered
Kaido weather manipulation aka tornado probably get countered.

You can see a clear way with Oda use, at this point you should know the Scabbard where fucked up... Kaido abilites get countered again and again and that is what Oda try to make, the Scabbard beeing his weakeness.

And that is the point where everything get countered, Kaido lvl up and going even more with power. At this point Kaido will show a simple rule, like you have a ability to counter him or not he will fuck up your soon or later.
And this is where this going on, even someone as Enel was shown similar and it will end like with Enel,he will beat the shit of them later.

This will also show some interesting point, Luffy just don't beating Kaido because of having Ryou, Kaido will also fuck him up. As I said as long as the Navy don't show up, the raid will fail. I don't know how it continue then but it will happen. Oda already struggel enough to hold back Kaido, what you think if the another Kaido(Big mom) come up to the roof, Oda can't hold her so long he must bring her back later. Same goes for the Big mom pirates, he do anything in favour for the alliance but he can't do it for ever, it will rapidly change soon.

I just enjoy right now the Scabbard and love it too see more fight skills of both Scabbard and Kaido. I mean we screaming and crying enough for so long and now after such long time we get finally a onscreen battle and people still crying. I understand everything for the Jcak vs Minks part,I don't like it too but why the Scabbard vs Kaido? Even Akainu was hold up by the Whitebeard pirates, the Scabbard aren't weak trash characters and the Vinsmoke who get stomped quickly by Big mom, they can hold up for shorttime against Kaido. Oden said for good reason" don't underestimate my Scabbard". I would just enjoy it, im sure it gonna change after some chapters pass.
Navy aint coming and the raid sure as hell aint failing at worst a few scabbards are falling.
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