He wasn't figthting at all on his base form...I wonder why???
Maybe because he was weaker??
The fight started with Kaku zipping around in Base form in the air and NOTHING. The man couldn't approach.
Then he tried hybrid and he even tried Sky walk in hybrid and launching multiple attacks in hybrid while sky walking and NOTHING
Literally no attack he used from the air, both in Base and hybrid worked
It's almost like... like Long range attacks are just naturally weaker.
Kind of like how kaido barely gets anything done in Dragon form.
So you end up having Flying characters line Kaku and Kaido fighting in CLOSE COMBAT.
Hehehe. Notice that? Flying only matters when you have STRONG LONG RANGE COMBAT.
And Whether you can fly or not, if you get into Close combat with Zoro, it's a wrap.
The strongest long range combatant Zoro faced was Pica in the Golem that could flatten cities with each punch. And yet that didn't help him that much.
Do you think King will be able to flatten Cities with his long range attacks?