This has been said on many occasions (including a few times by people who aren’t me), but this cover story has only stuck the landing in that it’s finally done. There used to be a time when the miniature glimpses into the goings-on of certain notable characters added something of substance to the main narrative, or at least promised things to come in future chapters...but this one was just bad from start to finish. Do you even remember the new Marines they introduced? Or the fact that the Tontattas discovered Pound’s unconscious but NOT lifeless body? What possible purpose did or will the Germs Pirates serve? The only things of consequence that happened - Lola and Chiffon reuniting, Pound finding them as well, Lola marrying Gotti - could have EASILY been off-paneled and thoroughly explained in a few panels when (if?) they show up again. Most importantly, it never felt very fun or interesting; things happened, but they made such an insignificant impact on the fandom, the only time anyone discussed them was to talk about how stupid they were. Over the years, Oda has ably wielded the cover stories as directly influential to the overall plot of One Piece...I don’t see why on earth we needed this one, but there’s time for him to turn it around.
Kiku casually shaking off the loss of a limb is one more reason (among many others) to love her, but it feels like Kin’emon is reneging on the death wish they all expressed a few chapters ago. They wanted to die fighting Kaido, but now he’s saying there would be no honor in it? I’d like to see most of all of the Scabbards survive, but whether or not they do seems to be slipping out of their control...
Oh, great!! JUUUST great!! Not only do I regret the 993 chapters of the series that did NOT feature Hamlet and Four Tricks, I now have to disown all the rest yet to come that will ALSO not give them the tons of panel time they clearly deserve!! WHY AREN’T WE ALLOWED TO HAVE NICE THINGS ANYMORE
Seeing Robin, Chopper and Brook fighting back to back is fun, but damn, Queen’s frozen zombie shit is needlessly cruel...they’re obviously gonna get that antidote from Apoo one way (he suddenly decides to defect from the Beast Pirates) or another (our protagonists give him the ass whooping he’s been earning with that mouth since Sabaody), but will that little vial be enough for everyone of consequence who’s infected?
God, I love Yamato more and more every chapter...the inspiration she pulled from Oden has been annoying, even I can admit that, but this chapter should be considered her real introduction. We learn a little more about how the day of her idol’s execution went in that she attempted to save Momo (back when they were the same age), she blasts a fodder with a little shockwave (and visibly sends a wave of shock through Sasaki, who probably knows the trouble he’s about to face), and finally, FINALLY declares herself as someone with whom nobody should fuck. There are demons on this site who would rather see me dead, but as long as things keep trending this way, I’ll live long enough to see what even they know is coming - Yamato sailing away from Wano on the Thousand Sunny as the Straw Hat Pirates welcome her, their newest recruit, with their biggest celebration yet
