Internally I really debate whether you are trolling or if you really are this dense. You said Marco needed the rest of the crew to stop Akainu. I posted a panel showing this to be delusional. Your response? "Look the cry out of insecure and then trolling out of desperation."
Can't you see how pathetic this is?

Are you that oblivious to how dumb you look here? It's manga fact that Marco was able to completely stalemate Akainu while Ace made a death speech. I literally posted the fucking panel and you say I am trolling? gosh lad stop eating crayons.
I initially said that Marco needed Vista and the other WB commanders to fight Akainu, obviously referring to the scene where all cut his path from Luffy.
You showed a different scene and falsely claimed that Marco stalled Akainu alone, which he hasn't. He had aid from the other pirates around. It's amsuing how u guys claim that 50% of MF were helping Akainu against the commanders, but the same didn't apply vice versa.
So Yes, i said Marco needed the rest of his crew to stop Akainu and that was indeed the case.
Marco alone stalled Big mom, not receiving any aid, but still damaging her while going out clean and looking out for another oponnent.
If he could have he would have. BM has far superior physical feats to him.
If Big mom could've done something to him while grabbing him like that, She would've, but the fact that she holds him up for Perospero to shoot implies that she doesn't have the ability to critically injure Marco.
"I Don't have souls to use against you"
Sounds to me like she needs more to beat him.
Do you always default to calling 'trolling' when you have nothing but hot air to post?
So, how is Big mom's CoA comparable to Garps?
Please show me.
shaking in fear of the death by Candy Arrow...
Having to fight a Yonkou and Top Vet just isn't easy you know.