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(1) she can only have that control if she stops it first, that’s why Oda made the point of her having a fully outstretched arm

(2) It’s still a gap difference. Zoro has never shown he can stop cannon bolls in this easy fashion Tashigi does. For reference he did struggle against Harp’s cannonballs that were flying much faster tHan Marine battleship howitzer, yet you have pirate ships battling the same howitzwrs and Tashigi stops their shots casually

(3) Tashigi did that too. Why is it not a monstrous feat to hold down Monet’s monster form when Luffy gets restrained by Minet when she is in her base form? Same Monet that fought Zoro with toothpick weapons. Look at just how differently Monet fought Tashigi when she fights Zoro with literal needles weapons (Monet can not even fit her tongs around the needle weapon so she doesn’t even have proper grip, hence why she is not using her whole upper body strength like Zoro). Literally you can’t make Zoro look worse than this

(4) here’s what I mean
And read what I wrote earlier in the thread about how Vergo was literally toying with Sanji. Yesterday I posted several
Panels of this again and again such that the mods got angry with me. I’m sure you’ll wind them. Then compare with how Tashigi takes a haki punch and doesn’t get any bones broken or get KOd when we know Sanji should (Zoro should)
I posted the video from the anime for this reason. She basically used its momentum and deflected it not stop it completely. U thought she did cause the way it's drawn in manga. That's why I said we're going in circles cause it's not physically impressive as other things Zoro did casually. And Zoro's whole fight v Monet was about how he was just stalling not fighting her seriously until the very end. So it's a bad measure. Once he took her seriously she couldn't move from fear, of course he could over whelm her small ice picks lol There was a character arc going on, it trumps power level.

4) Ok I'll look for ur Vergo wank when I can. I lowkey lost interest in this topic lol dunno how y'all do this all the time
You mean queen talking specific ally about judge doesn't imply something?

Urouge talks about Zoro because he watched him in action. Remember
So what. He also mentioned Zoro. Keep the same energy. Zoro vs Queen. Where is your spanking hun ? The cringe that you were spewing yesterday is catching up to you

No he literally mentions his bounty straight after. It shows every preconcieved notion of Zoro came from his bounty. No suprise since bounty also makes people Supernova.
Post automatically merged:

> Blocked by Apoo in a 2v1
> Getting called 3rd strongest of the crew behind Sanji
> Queen talking about focusing on taking out the 2nd and third strongest while holding both Sanji and Zoro's bounty poster(basically implying Zoro's main fight will be against a Calamity)

Lol the ZKK doesn't look all that strong this week :josad:
Jinbe will stay behind. Then after Queen defeats Jinbe he'll fight Zoro. Whilst Sanji fights King again:steef:


You have a panel of Zoro agreeing with Koshiro? Because I have a panel of Zoro refusing what Koshiro said.
Not everything's got to be explicitly mentioned. We have multiple hints he's conflicted about the issue, of course he rejected Koshiro's philosophy out of hand as a kid to support Kuina's dream. He's obviously been thinking about it as he grew more mature, and it shows up in his behavioral idiosyncrasies. It's funny we were talking about this earlier in a different context.
Nah i just dont like the fact zoro doesn't take women seriously most the time when he fights them. Not that i want to see them beat to a pulp
Don't really get why this is such a big deal tho? Like yeah he'll literally kill any woman if she's in his way, he just would prefer it not to be a woman. Still doesn't change the outcome either way. It's just a really subtle layer to his character.
So what. He also mentioned Zoro. Keep the same energy. Zoro vs Queen. Where is your spanking hun ? The cringe that you were spewing yesterday is catching up to you

No he literally mentions his bounty straight after. It shows every preconcieved notion of Zoro came from his bounty. No suprise since bounty also makes people Supernova.
Urouge watches Zoro and says "He doesn't look like one to follow orders"

You're saying Urouge watching Zoro and making this comment has nothing to do with him watching zoro in action against The celestial dragon

Hehehe... And I suppose youreally saying Queen specifying he has a connection to Judge means nothing to the story and implies nothing as well

Don't worry, the list is growing. Soon, your bottom reckoning will come
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