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It makes no sense for luffy's greatest ally(his dad) to be the strongest but i respect that, altho dragon had bad showings as of late. And since we both have akainu in the top two thats fine by me.
By the time they'll meet and ally he won't be the strongest and he may not even be currently, but I'm convinced that he's Top 3 at worst and i can't really take him out of it even if i wanted too due to said bad showings.


When were you under the impression this game is..
careful now
folks will say kaido ran away from shanks before coming to nf after their squabble.
Lmao, i love that one. Off topic but do you think Kaido is a legit dragon? Idk if you remember but ive been saying that for more than a year that he was just a dragon that could shapeshift. Yamato (maybe) being a dragon could somewhat tip this towards that line of thinking?


When were you under the impression this game is..
By the time they'll meet and ally he won't be the strongest and he may not even be currently, but I'm convinced that he's Top 3 at worst and i can't really take him out of it even if i wanted too due to said bad showings.
I think dragon is top 5,

Would be fitting for both parental figures to be near each other and when i say top 5, i said it earlier, i mean that each of these people give a very high/extreme diff fight to the other and anyone of them can win on a good day against someone higher.
His head is 1/100th of his entire body. And he regenerated that head as well as broken arm, simply breaking his arms and legs is useless since he will regenerate as long as stone is around. Pica is one with entire Dressrosa, he has lots of reserves.

Pica will simply regenerate from Kata's EG like how Cracker regenerated from Luffy's Kong Organ

Luffy is YC level and his EG simply broke Pica's head. As long as Pica is combined with Dressrosa, Pica is untouchable.
Zoro is above YC level and has top tier DC
I wonder if his regeneration is faster than Kata’s breaking rate though. Pica can regenerate by not generating stone but by using up stone he assimilated. As he gets broken, his size will get smaller if he devides to regenerate those parts.
Think of it like this: if Pica assimilated 100 tons of stone and Kata broke 2 tones of stone, he is left with 98 tons of stone. If he decides to regenerate broken place, he has not 100 tons of stone now, he still has 98 tons of stone, meaning that as the golem gets broken and broken, the weight and the size will eventually decrease.
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Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
It would be yeah, im holding my breath till the official translations come out tbh. And i mean, how much ''gossip'' do you need till you form an opinion may as I ask? Killer hates Kaido's guts so its not like he's yes man'ing it rn and still callls him the strongest pirate. Oda dances around the bush for this very reason, to keep things unclear and not have a side feel wronged. Mihawk Being WSS(thus not englobing everything), and Kaido having people call him the strongest means that people can still interpret things however they want their headcanon to go.

I know you still have Kaido at n1 right(unless you changed it) and i know you're the type of guy who only goes with conclusive evidence so i respect that, but i think the hints are there.

Off topic rn but Yamato One shot Hacha with a different attack than thunder bagua right, i wonder what it looks like, summary said its like wind slashes, could she have inherited her father's weather manipulation if she is indeed a dragon too?
You know my opinion of Kaido. I am perfectly willing to change my mind and place him where Oda intends to. I'll hold on for the official translation and cross that bridge once we get there. If by the end of Wano he is cemented as the current n1 I'll respect that.

Though if Killer is really saying that, it looks worse for Shanks than anyone else lmao. It means the treatment Kidd and Killer received from Shanks and his crew wasn't as bad as what Kaido did to them :gokulaugh:

@Zara thoughts on Kaido>Shanks + his crew?
Shanks is a pirate, Kaido just got called the strongest pirate. Nothing shanks has shown ever gave me any inkling for thinking shanks is stronger, therefore right now Kaido>Shanks.
Shanks is a pirate, Kaido just got called the strongest pirate. Nothing shanks has shown ever gave me any inkling for thinking shanks is stronger, therefore right now Kaido>Shanks.
That's what I was talking about. The hype of the moment.
You are saying "right now" because you don't know what is coming. But you gonna change your mind once we get to Elbaf. Shanks has been with us since day one and he is the reason Luffy got to be a pirate in the first place.
Oda is saving him and HIS POWERS for the final fight. There is no way he won't be broken and stronger.


The Road To Harmony
some folks said yamato could be another dragon but if its the same
then he is a dragon.
question is why they can both turn into onis .
obviously means they were actual creatures in the op world
prob went extinct.
Perhaps one of the reasons Linlin teamed up with Kaido was to incorporate him into her multi cultural plans. Leaving WCI to chase Luffy seemed risky in hindsight, but if she did it to kill Luffy and nab Kaido and/or King, she’d be killing two birds with one stone.


When were you under the impression this game is..
That's what I was talking about. The hype of the moment.
You are saying "right now" because you don't know what is coming. But you gonna change your mind once we get to Elbaf. Shanks has been with us since day one and he is the reason Luffy got to be a pirate in the first place.
Oda is saving him and HIS POWERS for the final fight. There is no way he won't be broken and stronger.
ive held this belief for years now, Shanks is more than likely going down to BB. What final fight? Do you understand that this isnt DBZ? Oda has shown the power ceiling since the start (yonko and admirals/mihawk) and hasnt changed it so far.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that shanks may be weaker( a bit) than Kaido? That's not gonna make him any less badass or threatening lmao. Jesus, this desire for one's favorite character to be the strongest is childish as fuck. My favorite character is fujitora and you dont see me going around screaming ''B-but what if? B-but he still hasnt fought seriously yet and is reserved for the final war!!'' like you're doing right now.
Perhaps one of the reasons Linlin teamed up with Kaido was to incorporate him into her multi cultural plans. Living WCI to chase Luffy seemed risky in hindsight, but if she did it to kill Luffy and nab Kaido and/or King, she’d be killing two birds with one stone.
am also thinking more inline with the skulls on onigashima
perhaps dragons/onis have always been a big part in wano
not anymore till kaido came back.
I wonder if his regeneration is faster than Kata’s breaking rate though. Pica can regenerate by not generating stone but by using up stone he assimilated. As he gets broken, his size will get smaller if he devides to regenerate those parts.
I will assume his regeneration is fast enough, because Luffy was taking a while to destroy Noah with EG. He has entire Dressrosa island as stone reserves too. He can simply move into the mountain if his golem is getting destroyed.

Now we can truly appreciate not only the high DC, but also the high battle IQ of Zoro, since he made the right tactical decision of cutting off Pica from Dressrosa by cutting him in half, thereby cutting off his escape route.
You know my opinion of Kaido. I am perfectly willing to change my mind and place him where Oda intends to. I'll hold on for the official translation and cross that bridge once we get there. If by the end of Wano he is cemented as the current n1 I'll respect that.

Though if Killer is really saying that, it looks worse for Shanks than anyone else lmao. It means the treatment Kidd and Killer received from Shanks and his crew wasn't as bad as what Kaido did to them :gokulaugh:

@Zara thoughts on Kaido>Shanks + his crew?
Killer stating Kaido is the strongest pirate doesn't mean Kaido alone is stronger Shanks and his entire crew at the same time. No one person could beat a Yonko and their entire crew on their own, otherwise the entire power structure of this series would collapse.

That being said, Killer's opinion is that Kaido is stronger than Shanks. Kaido being number 1 is a definite possibility and therefore that would make him stronger than Shanks. Kaido not being number 1 is also a definite possibility and Shanks could end up being stronger than Kaido. I'm open to both possibilities. I'm also open to Mihawk being stronger than Kaido and I'm also open to Kaido being stronger than Mihawk.

There's no clear indication yet but this chapter was definitely in Kaido's favour. Killer praise of Kaido along with Kaido's performance agansit the Scabbards is a W in Kaido's book. However this arc is not over yet and anything can happen, which is why I'm waiting until Wano ends before I have a clear top 3. At the moment my top 3 consist of Kaido, Mihawk and Shanks.

We'll see what happens. Things change every chapter.


When were you under the impression this game is..
some folks said yamato could be another dragon but if its the same
then he is a dragon.
question is why they can both turn into onis .
obviously means they were actual creatures in the op world
prob went extinct.
I dont think they are onis, the horns are probably just dragon horsn tbh, Though kaido is supposed to represent the ''Oni with a club '' archetype and may have eaten an oni fruit(since in the official translation Marco calls him an Ogre)

"oni with an iron club" (鬼に金棒, oni-ni-kanabō), that is, to be invincible or undefeatable, is what i got when i typed it in google, its part of japanese myth.
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