Zoro vs Hawkins - Zoro used an average name attack to destroy Hawkins powerful strawman that he used a good card, one allows him to go beyond his limit, to increase the strength of the strawman. In that same battle lost 3 lives to Zoro. Live that he's limited to 10 and once he cannot easy create during battle.
Zoro vs Killer blitzed and oneshot Killer after he blocked and invaded his early attack.
Zoro vs Apoo - blitzed and cut through his tonfas the hybrid Drake couldn't break through. That was reacting and blocking his earlier attack. It took am ally to accidentally healed Apoo unconscious self for him to return just to be beat again
Zoro vs Queen.
The strange it's how people who could go up against casual Zoro are getting destroyed once he gets serious. It's like Oda starts off Zoro on a casual level and only works his way up to the level he needs to use.
What would this place be like if people had reading comprehension skills.
Don't forget the end of Sanji's clash with King
I hope Sanji can dodge an attack from Katakuri when he was told to plan. It's like his CoO works well when he knows.what going to happen because somebody told him the plan.