One Piece full color Volumes 100-101-102 out 2nd August 2024!!!


World's Strongest Swordsman
We see king bleeding flame on
This forum has regular arguments by the glue sniffer brigade that Kaido cant damage king flame off
The fact that he no sells shisonson is a determined zoro anti-feat than more of a king feat, the seraphim did the same without bleeding once in the whole fight
It's a retcon
King wasn't supposed to fight zoro
How does the colored panel of King bleeding change anything? No one was arguing that wasn't blood tf, the desperation to have a gotcha moment is so lame

Everyone is aware it was retconned once Oda decided how Lunarian powers worked

Anyways, Zoro's advanced conquerors looks great :owo:


I will never forgive Oda
We see king bleeding flame on
This forum has regular arguments by the glue sniffer brigade that Kaido cant damage king flame off
The fact that he no sells shisonson is a determined zoro anti-feat than more of a king feat, the seraphim did the same without bleeding once in the whole fight
I’m sorry but did you get dropped on the head?

We see Zoro say Lunarians are practically invincible with flames on. We see King with flames on take everything Zoro has to give him.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Cool argument
Oda retconned zoro to be a jobber than
Prove the intent of the retcon
You cant
Oda fucking retconned king up until after ZOROS FIRST ATTACK.
Then winged it.
In my defence I didn't think Oda would make King superior to kaido in the stat kaido had been hyped since his intro and the first 2 acts. And also in my defence, oda clearly retconned King after the fight started
Yall arguing like King didn't get retconned. Zoro made him bleed in flame in mode with an Oni giri.

A wb who can't use haki properly who is having heart attacks isn't beating king.
That doesn't count. That was retconned.
Zoro later confirmed he did no damage to king. Couldn't make him bleed
Cqc vs king just coa he was ragged
Clashing with king just coa he was ragged
Exchanging named attacks with coa he was ragged
I called this from day one.

Zoro wasn't supposed to fight King
Marco was

Oda had to make a reason zoro can't hurt king after fighting kaido