One Piece Full Color Volumes 87-88-89-90-91-92 next 16th September in Japan

Coloured version really doesn't mean much. We've had like 3 "official" Law hairstyles.

Only canon colouring is black and white one that Oda himself does. Oda essentially thinks in black and white.
Problem is, Oda himself is the reason why its either "black" or "blue" . He is personally responsible for color spreads/volumes.

Literally in the first official coloring of Law (volume 51), his hair is blue:

Yet its black here:

You can see this on color spreads too. Its blue sometimes and black on others.

Now Volume 97, its back to blue.

So what is even canon at this point lol.
Coloured version really doesn't mean much. We've had like 3 "official" Law hairstyles.

Only canon colouring is black and white one that Oda himself does. Oda essentially thinks in black and white.
Yep, we have video were Oda draw the volume covers, and he only decides for the colors of his characters at the last moment lol. Colors are nice to look at but I wouldn't take anything as canon.
Black and white :D Colouring is nice to look at, but fact is Oda just doesn't bother that much with colours. It's just an afterthought.

Brah, they even changed Mingo's glasses :milaugh::doffycry:
Yeah Oda obviously spends more time thinking about what black and whites to use as opposed to the time he thinks about the official colour schemes of each character.....................................................


So Page One groaned in pain from Sanji's kick. 1 thing for sure RS Sanji didn't use DJ here and the colour emitted when RS Sanji kicked Page One is blue not black.

At the bottom panel so RS Sanji didn't use CoA but basic kick.