I don’t understand, how would you for example deal with Kuina’s story in 2021?
I see you keep cutting my comments in the quotes so I did the same. Also because,it seems you went on a totally different route from what i wrote in my previous answer. You even implied i am against gay rights somehow. What the hell? By the way,to answer to that question: i surely wouldnt write a scene where a random guy in the street tells "smile!" to Kuina and she gets angry and beats him up. I think Kuina's story its pretty fine how it is in the manga
I don’t understand, how would you for example deal with Kuina’s story in 2021?
You say talking about sexism is out of place in One piece. Why? Are you saying there is no concept of sexism in the one piece world or are you saying it’s there but the story just doesn’t acknowledge it?
Btw, none of the above options mean the TV show can’t deal with Sexism, it’s an adaptation. Like if you believe the concept of sexism doesn’t exist in One piece, THATS A STATEMENT. Do you understand?
if an American tv show, creates a show in which the world of the tv show, BLATANTLY HAS NO SEXISM, That in itself is a statement dealing with sexism. Get it? That means Kuina’s backstory changes. Right? That means aspects of Sanji’s chivalry changes because chivalry started with sexism. Do you understand what I mean? A blatant statement against the depiction of something, is in itself a statement about the thing you are not depicting.
for example a new “woke trend” is fantasy worlds with no concepts of homophobia. Like a story that never once mentions any single issue with gays or transsexuals in the story. Like a story where there is actually no word “gay”. As in a guy bangs a guy and it’s called sex the exact same way a guy banging a girl is called sex. No one even can tell the difference in the story itself.
Do you see what just happened? There is no statement about gay rights or whatever you don’t like. There is no even acknowledgement that “gay” is a concept anyone in the world understands. And just like that, you’ve made a woke statement but specifically removing the talking points of the whole statement from the story.
So, the option of saying “There is no sexism in the world of one piece” requires actual proof, and the act of making sure this statement is true is itself “woke” because you have to actually change one piece into this “non sexist world” that it is.
And so the next option is “there is sexism but the story doesn’t focus on it”. Well that’s fine. The story will remain about adventure and action, but since you acknowledge that there is sexism in the world, what’s wrong with show displaying it? You can say “maybe they overdo it and it detracts from the pacing and story” which is a good criticism, but what if they don’t do that? What if they make a clear definitive plot point about sexism that doesn’t detract from THEIR STORY since they are allowed to change shit, and the pacing is unaffected and the story is actually well told? What then? Is it now bad again to even talk about it yet it’s there? Isn’t it then weird for people experiencing sexism to ignore it in the story itself?
See this is the trap of the “no politics in my stories” or “no wokeness in my story” camps, its a statement itself to not have any of these. If you make a movie or whatever devoid of any message of any kind, you have unintentionally made a story where the point is to not have those things.
if you make a 10 season show where you say “I dont want to address race issues so I’ll just make everyone White in the show” that in itself is a statement against race. Its not automatically neurtral to ignore things.
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What? Oda himself literally says multiple times he keeps shit simple for 12 year olds to understand and enjoy
The tv show seems to be changing archetypes. Which is good because archetypes dont cross mediums and cultures easily. Sanji’s pervert gag literally cannot work in anyway in america. Zoro’s badass swordsman is specifically an anime archetype. Luffy’s dumb nice guy protagonist thing can exist in certain forms in America such as Peter quill but it would need other things to work. Luffy would need an actual character flaw for his archetype to work in America and Luffy has none in the manga
Hope they get a big L. I doubt Oda agree with such a idea changing his characters. It is the usually Usa live action shit where they need to change everything, Death not live action as example. Hope this shit get a big L, another waste of money.
Hope they get a big L. I doubt Oda agree with such a idea changing his characters. It is the usually Usa live action shit where they need to change everything, Death not live action as example. Hope this shit get a big L, another waste of money.
I think some minor changes in characters to fit a live-action series is fine, but stuff like Zoro apparently being gifted but unambitious at the beginning of the series is very stupid and completely change the character. I didn't expect much so I can't say I'm disappointed but that looks bad.
Luffy actively searches for Success and treasure instead of the One piece. So Luffy is directly proactive with in this story since he has short term goals such as success and treasure. This is of course different from manga Luffy who has no actual short term goals most of the time and the plot just happens to occur around him.
Zoro has no ambition it seems. He’s the archetype of a “gifted fighter” who has no direction in life. So I’m guessing there is no “World’s strongest swordsman” in this story or if there is, Zoro doesn’t have this as a goal at the start. Also Zoro isnt described as “gifted” anywhere in the Manga so they are removing the fact that Zoro just trained hard to be a good fighter. Which makes sense for this version since this Zoro has no ambition to be the best so he wouldn’t have any ambition to train hard, so instead he was naturally good at fighting.
Hmm, wow, I’m actually interested in this. They are actually changing core character aspects and world building aspects and backstories for this.
this is an actual adaptation instead of copy paste shit that I did not want
Zoro is described as an 18-year-old Asian man. A gifted fighter wandering through life and in need of encouragement and direction. Zoro gets through life doing whatever passionless or questionable work is available no matter how distasteful, as long as it puts money in his pockets. His main interests are his weapons and a stiff drink with no interest in small talk. However, with his crew behind him and trials ahead Zoro will find the urge to prove himself the greatest of all.
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