I'm always an optimist, so to me it's a coin toss as to whether or not it will be good. Just wanted to comment though that the guy in the first video is just a sheep. He hadn't even read One Piece as admitted by himself, but then goes on to form an opinion on how the show is going to be, based on the comments of others.
I think a lot of people are missing the entire point of these live actions. I think it's safe to say that these kind of shows are not geared towards the anime/manga fans, as we are predispositioned into enjoying this like Manga and Anime a very specific way. Anime for the most part does not transition well into live action, we all know this. The developers, studios, mangakas, etc also all know this. So then why do they do it?
The answer is simple, it is to bring these stories to a wider range of Audience. To introduce series like One Piece and Cowboy Bebop to an audience who do not like Anime and Manga, but could possibly enjoy these stories.
I think it's pretty selfish of the Anime/Manga community as a whole to act like the intention of Netflix, and those working on these series is to butcher "OUR" stories. How dare they make that, when they know "WE" won't like it. It's not for us. It's for others who don't like what we like. It's so they can share in our enjoyment of something they've been missing out on, because it's written for a format that just doesn't vibe with them.
We as Anime/Manga fans should be happy that others get to share the same joy that we receive when reading/watching these series, that they wouldn't get to experience had it not been brought to a format that at least gives it a chance in their eyes. It's not going to have any baring on us either way, because at the end of the day, we will still have our Manga and Anime.
I agree whole-heartedly. I mean, yes, it is also supposed to be hyped by fans but after all the "bad results", such as Death Note, people hate live actions because they change so many things. It really depends on the perspective.
I have a friend with whom I had watched the Death Note LA and while I didn't like it because I knew the original, she didn't think of it as bad because she didn't.
Lately I saw some teasers about Cowboy Bebop and honestly? I think the actors and shots looked pretty cool. Because I never read or watched Cowboy Bebop.
And that is what the difference is. The own perspective, whether you know it or not. It's just like when you read a book and then a movie is coming out, and your world falls apart because everything is different all of a sudden. And you dislike the movie because of it.
One Piece live action WILL be different from the manga. The jokes won't be the same. There will be changes in costume and in plot. You can't transfer manga/anime into live just as it is. They have to fix things. To transfer the core essentials however is not impossible.
Oda has an eye on it. Steven Maeda seems hyped about the project, Matt Owens, as a long time fan, who knows us as the community, knows what's up. He knows they can't mess this up. He knows the core essentials.
WE as fans can just wait and see. We shouldn't feel as focused on what's already there but what can be done with it. This is a big project. And most people don't see it as a success even though we have barely seen anything of it yet. Take a step back, sit down, drink a tea, and wait. Stop thinking with a manga-occupied-mind. Stop thinking about how it will be different from the original. Give it a chance, as a new way of telling the story. We don't even know anything yet.