If the live action got successful somehow, can't wait till they cast The Rock as Kaido.
Oh god please no! I wanted Momoa for him or maybe Bautista possibly? I am so freaking sick of Dwayne but he might do a good job with Kaido,
might that is. In fact, funnily enough, he might be better for All Might actually to think of it! Hah!
I've not seen Black Adam but it seems like a joke and apparently is a flop and I fear if Rock did get involved, it might end making this worse somehow lol. Granted though, I have enjoyed him in some films, especially Moana and Jungle Cruise but he also isnt exactly a "varied" actor and just seems to play himself each time too, one of those actors who are just being themselves instead of acting lol. He did have some good moments in Central Intelligence, Get Smart and such I think though. Maybe even the Jumanji films but he felt like the same character in those films pretty much? I've seen quite a few very famous actors do that same thing to be fair though.
Some people wanted Dwayne for Aokiji too and I'm not sure how I feel on that tbh.
Idris Elba has been knocking it out of the park hard with Sonic 2 and Suicide Squad imo, hes much more vesatile than I expected and a truly great actor, really surprised me with how different he was in Suicide Squad and truly animated/extreme and such lol. Idk if theres a good fit for him in OP or he should play, but maybe Daz Bones or even Aokiji maaaaybe? Idk though lol. If we're not limited to ethnicity too, like how some characters have been cast with actors of different ethnicity to them, that does open a lot of potential for Idris and even Dwayne potentially too.
Both of them are too big and thus expensive to get involved with this OP live action I'm sure though, especially Dwayne by far surely?
Yeah exactly lmfao, lets hope they stay rumours!

(Although I wouldnt mind seeing Nami and Robin getting it, especially with each other too LMAO! Although theres no Robin yet and may not be unless this gets greenlit for multiple seasons ofc? I'm guessing she might be late next season or early 3rd season at worst?)

Lets make it worse LMAO!: