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If you're looking for a serious answer, I have none, because I don't know how to ask the right questions, and nothing really sticks to me atm.

If I were to fling out a few names I'll say TAC for being TAC, Rhea for seemingly being too towny and her aura seems a bit too calculated, Kerko for a bit of a strange defense of Mr. Reloaded (though, I suspect it's just an out of game ramble)

Other than that like afforementioned, on the fence on indigo, since all he's proven is his flavor, and the way his claims have been set up it's really hard to prove him mechanically wrong, unless someone is in possession of a true sight investigation
gotcha well appreciate the reads
As long as your only content is the miller stuff and indigo, it’s a major red flag for me.

Any other thoughts so far?
& what exactly is your content for someone who claimes to primarily being fluff you sure are hardtunneling a reason you yourself are doing...
looks like ratchet and ekko from what read
appreciate you naomi.
who would be your main scum read(s) off this wagon?
From what I saw it was Ekko and Ratchet, though I didn't read all of that part.

From memory Ekko said something along the lines of he was sussing Indigo and someone else (don't recall atm) and Ratchet said he could compromise on Indigo, and then Ekko voted for Indigo.

That was the start of it.

I do not however know the details as to what led up to that moment.
appreciate you as well mango. would you tie any of the ones on the wagon as an FoS or?
Why would he give a fuck about being outted as miller lol? He’s not a mongoloid, he’s going to claim it D1 too if he is one. And if he wasn’t okay with it then he just wouldn’t have claimed it lol.
cause hes openly stated and bitched and stated he wont continue open claiming these types of roles cause of the blowback he gets. hence why i said i dont want to hear him cry about it when he gets pressed.
Why? Guess what, that WoW game with 3 I keep mentioning? Also bastard elements. What do you think about that?

Are you reading me and Ratchet both as scum rn or what lol? And if not why are you having beef with my claim and not his?
i do not care for a previous games mechanics - i believe i was a miller that game or a similar one like it but thi is a new game and you cant use previous mechs and setup to validate your claim here as you being town, furthermore using it to claim both yourself and ratchet as town.

yes i am, idk do you see ratchet around cause i dont?


Town :
Naomi - Her BzzzzHhhHhh thing that maybe he is something that I figured it out earlier is something that can help Town
Ratchet - Simply just I trust him when I read some of his post
Flowa - For being bounty hunter, still hope that she only hunt a scum

Scum :
You - Claim to be a first miller then explain it what kind of miller are you, it looks like you are afraid if you just claim a miller without any explanation other might not be accepted if you were really a miller but you are just Scum, and with that your miller explanation thing I just wondering if other miller may have different from yours
AL - For being have a Shanks roles, which mean he is a Yonkou and he is a Yonkou Scum team 😂
Rayan and Tobi - They're both not very active, only post something and then gone. I'd remember when they're doing that they're must be Scum.


OK yes but this is what i mean

if we don't rely on mechanics here, what is the statistical probability of fake write-ups? what is the motivation behind faking a write up from scum and is more likely to be a scum tell?

i ask bc i want to get a better gauge on indiegos scum play here to understand the chances of this being a scum ploy or a genuine neutral indie, so i can maybe understand which one is more likely of the two
youre reading to hard into this bit tbh

its just about a little over the halfway mark for d1 unless scum can spam fake wu i cant see them using anything of this sort this early
I cannot fathom why Muugen thinks anyone would resist being outted as a miller on D1 lol.
i believe any claim is weak and poor gameplay - i dont condone to claiming and have been advocating heavily against claims since the start. theyre all shit.
I'm confused to what this is referring to, does it hold relevancy to this game in particular
open claiming is shit and a copout in any capacity. it holds relevancy to any mafia game played.

weak gameplay tbh


Argonauts, roll out!
Ngl im team not vote Indigo as of now.
I wanna see where this goes, especially since he can resolve himself with the Swordsmith thing.
How often have you not seen players (like myself among others) not have a solid role that seems pretty claim proof and can "resolve themselves" only to just be a coverup

All I'm saying is mechanics be damned, it's a battle of wits in the end
gotcha well appreciate the reads

& what exactly is your content for someone who claimes to primarily being fluff you sure are hardtunneling a reason you yourself are doing...

appreciate you naomi.
who would be your main scum read(s) off this wagon?

appreciate you as well mango. would you tie any of the ones on the wagon as an FoS or?

cause hes openly stated and bitched and stated he wont continue open claiming these types of roles cause of the blowback he gets. hence why i said i dont want to hear him cry about it when he gets pressed.

i do not care for a previous games mechanics - i believe i was a miller that game or a similar one like it but thi is a new game and you cant use previous mechs and setup to validate your claim here as you being town, furthermore using it to claim both yourself and ratchet as town.

yes i am, idk do you see ratchet around cause i dont?
with how fast they jump on wagon, with voting because indigo reaction felt scummy. looked weak excuse.

dr, prof


there all sus imo, this is 33 player could be all scum, but that dumb play. so town in there.



Town :
Naomi - Her BzzzzHhhHhh thing that maybe he is something that I figured it out earlier is something that can help Town
Ratchet - Simply just I trust him when I read some of his post
Flowa - For being bounty hunter, still hope that she only hunt a scum

Scum :
You - Claim to be a first miller then explain it what kind of miller are you, it looks like you are afraid if you just claim a miller without any explanation other might not be accepted if you were really a miller but you are just Scum, and with that your miller explanation thing I just wondering if other miller may have different from yours
AL - For being have a Shanks roles, which mean he is a Yonkou and he is a Yonkou Scum team 😂
Rayan and Tobi - They're both not very active, only post something and then gone. I'd remember when they're doing that they're must be Scum.


As I've been out of whack for a moment and a half, would you mind reminding me what FoS means again
finger of suspicion
All I'm saying is mechanics be damned, it's a battle of wits in the end
with how fast they jump on wagon, with voting because indigo reaction felt scummy. looked weak excuse.

dr, prof


there all sus imo, this is 33 player could be all scum, but that dumb play. so town in there.

im quite suprised ratchet was one of the main ones on the wagons given his track record of being an indie and how much complaining and crying hes done when anyone tried to sus him.

so X would be the hard scum here - oh PG is in the game i might have to iso him and catch my nemesis as scum again ahah


The Rogue Prince
How often have you not seen players (like myself among others) not have a solid role that seems pretty claim proof and can "resolve themselves" only to just be a coverup

All I'm saying is mechanics be damned, it's a battle of wits in the end
My argument entirely is that if @Indigo can set the Swordsmith shop up for some prices and help Town, he's worth keeping alive.

I agree that the claim came at a wrong time after a lot of fluff when it couldve come earler. Just think its a honest mistake for now and he can always be lynched if it turns out he's lying.

Im not clearing him btw... im just saying we can lynch bigger prospects instead of Indigo on d1. I particularly wanna tango with Mr. Business Man @MonochromeYoru
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