One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 956

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Oda having Coby go after Hancock is an odd choice no matter how you think about it given both of their relationships with Luffy so it’s very unlikely she gets captured. In addition, logically speaking Hancock should also be well above Coby’s weight class so he really has no business capturing someone as strong as she is just yet. Plus we know Hancock is a power house given the hype she’s been getting & some of her feats in the movies (She has some straight out nasty displays of raw strength in Stampede) so it’s very unlikely we see her fall before even seeing her full flex 💪🏿even once.

Currently Luffy is in dire need of allies so the purpose of this Coby/Hancock meeting is most likely to allow Hancock know about the situation on Wano. Or at least I hope. Not gonna lie, I’d be well pissed if Coby somehow manages to beat Hancock as it’d imply he’s already a high tier which is preposterous regardless of how fast his growth spurt is.


I will never forgive Oda
Oda having Coby go after Hancock is an odd choice no matter how you think about it given both of their relationships with Luffy so it’s very unlikely she gets captured. In addition, logically speaking Hancock should also be well above Coby’s weight class so he really has no business capturing someone as strong as she is just yet. Plus we know Hancock is a power house given the hype she’s been getting & some of her feats in the movies (She has some straight out nasty displays of raw strength in Stampede) so it’s very unlikely we see her fall before even seeing her full flex 💪🏿even once.

Currently Luffy is in dire need of allies so the purpose of this Coby/Hancock meeting is most likely to allow Hancock know about the situation on Wano. Or at least I hope. Not gonna lie, I’d be well pissed if Coby somehow manages to beat Hancock as it’d imply he’s already a high tier which is preposterous regardless of how fast his growth spurt is.
Think Hancock could get to Wano in time though? It'd take at least two weeks to get to Wano from where she's at, wouldn't it? I'm not opposed to Boa going, the Shichi are great, but I think her plot might tie in later, or after Wano.
Why are people jumping the guns?
let's all wait and see what hat Hancock can actually do, then we will judge.

But there is one thing we can confirm at this moment, and that is Doflamingo's crew is far superior to Boa's crew where her two fight hand women got defeated in a 2 vs 1 fight from haki-less pre-timeskip Luffy

While Doffy's executives are far superior to Hancock sisters. In fact, forget about the executives (Vergo, Pica, Diamante, Trebol)
I believe the likes of Senor Pink, Gladius and Dellinger are more than enough to beat the boa sisters

Do, in terms of crew, Doffy got the advantage, but in terms of captain individual prowess, we need to wait before judging imo
Think Hancock could get to Wano in time though? It'd take at least two weeks to get to Wano from where she's at, wouldn't it? I'm not opposed to Boa going, the Shichi are great, but I think her plot might tie in later, or after Wano.
Hancock’s ship is pretty interesting in that it can traverse even the calm belt IIRC, so she might be a tad faster than regular ships. It’s also possible that the events happened about a week or more before the current timeline on Wano. Plus chances are the date of the raid might get setback a bit given Orochi already knows the meeting point.

Prior to the last chapter with Franky hinting at the alliance getting more allies, I didn’t think Hancock was gonna be coming to Wano but given how Oda’s been hyping up this war, chances are allies like Hancock and even the grand fleet participate in it ^^
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