One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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Fuji is indeed low top tier.
He's above Posthawk tho.
GB is slightly better than Fuji or equal.

Shanks just went up to top 5
Akainu is the only marine in my top 5.

You gotta respect Kaido BM Akainu more
These men easily handle high tiers

Injured Akainu >Fuji GB Mihawk
Oda: Mihawk is the world strongest swordsmen.
Fan boys/girls: No he is not, you don't know what you're talking about.
Oda: This is my manga, I know what I'm talking about.
Fan boys/girls: If that was true then Vista wouldn't have been able to stop him.
Oda: It's called plot it affects all series. Just like how Chopper was able to stop one of Big Mom's attacks.
Fan boys/girls: :catcry:
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