One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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So who cares if he is lmao??? that does snot make him stronger than a Yonko :lawsigh:
Yea it does only three worlds strongest titles in story two belong to yonkos one yonko is a swordsman and his rival had the title and the black blade stop whining
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Why bring in Sanji? Talking about the guys above. Stop trolling and be serious in debates, but will say Sanji EOS will be above the man who faint from nerfers and foxes while Sanji knows how to fight like a 'man' :cheers:.
I don’t read the bs you post Sanji sucks bro once again


- protected the celestial dragons
- died on his knees to no name marine soldiers

- protected the islands that couldn't afford to pay to Celestial Dragons
- died standing while fighting the Navy and the Blackbeard Pirates
I like how Oda portrays them
WB died standing while Roger died kneeled
Roger can even throw away his convictions just to destroy competition.
Also Roger goal when he met Rayleigh was "turn the world upside down"
This man only wanted to cause chaos and more piracy
Why bring in Sanji? Talking about the guys above. Stop trolling and be serious in debates, but will say Sanji EOS will be above the man who faint from nerfers and foxes while Sanji knows how to fight like a 'man' :cheers:.
coward he uses invisibility to won against page one
in a 1v1 without invisibility he gets destroyed:feelscryingman:
You do you
I disagree
if kaido is oneshotting someone at top yc level and is a yonko when he gets serious . again arguing this is moot. I wouldnt know about the gap between roger and rayleigh either but rayleigh wasnt a commander but a first mate/vice captain. crews are structured differently. marco -wb , katakuri-mama, should not be used as a comparison for ray and roger.I dont want to delve into too much headcanon. wouldnt be considered a legend by oda if the gap was that large imo. shouldnt even be mentioned in the same statement.
I dont assume luffy zoro when I see mihawk shanks
you do
different premise.
I wasn’t comparing them. I said that the gap between Shanks and Mihawk is probably around the gap of a Yonko and someone between a Yonko and a YC. I wasn’t making a comparison between different crews, and I wasn’t comparing Roger and Rayleigh to other crews. I don’t think the gap between them is a knock on whether or not Mihawk is legendary. He was still a legend despite being way weaker than Roger, Garp, and WB. Kaido, Big Mom, and Shanks are bigger legends. It just means he isn’t as strong, which is fine.
I wasn’t comparing them. I said that the gap between Shanks and Mihawk is probably around the gap of a Yonko and someone between a Yonko and a YC. I wasn’t making a comparison between different crews, and I wasn’t comparing Roger and Rayleigh to other crews. I don’t think the gap between them is a knock on whether or not Mihawk is legendary. He was still a legend despite being way weaker than Roger, Garp, and WB. Kaido, Big Mom, and Shanks are bigger legends. It just means he isn’t as strong, which is fine.
Mihawk is stronger then shanks oda said so who he made them rivals but made Mihawk the Wss stop your bs it’s going to be so funny reading all you tears
I dont believe it is destroyed
Sengoku said it vanished
Maybe form that battle but maybe it is just under sea... or in the sky due to Shiki powers... who kmows
Yeah either it get destroyed or it was Shiki who did something to the island. It is strange that the island vanished without the Navy could know anything, let see the tomorrow chapter if we get more infos about the island.


Being legendary =/= being actually stronger powerful

Captain john silver Axe Buggy Chinjao
Shanks and Mihawk back then

We are all legends yet no even close to solid top tie level
coward he uses invisibility to won against page one
in a 1v1 without invisibility he gets destroyed:feelscryingman:
Nah, he did speed to win like Kizaru to beat his opponent. He didn't ran like a bitch like Zoro to Kyoshiro. He also fought Drake face to face too, so again your argument is debunk ;).

Stop bringing in Sanji for your insecurity cause you guys got proven wrong again by Goda :kata:.
can't belivie this shit

we are on the most hyped chapter ever

and every one talk about Shanks and Mihawk who are not even part of this chapter

this Mihawk fanboys who are insecure about Mihawk dick size see a Shanks hype jump and destroy the fun and waste our time we measuring Mihawk dick size
It is pretty annoying.

I’d rather talk about the death of Shiki hype and Admiral hype
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