One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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Seriously Mihawk/zoro fans are delusional, hopeless, desperate, super annoying
I dont care If i get warming points
You all need mental help .

I have never seen people make up stupid arguments and dumb excuses for fictional character who isnt even shown to be clearly above commanders.

It is pitiful and sad

If I see one man saying Mihawk is equal or above Roger WB BM Rocks kaido Akainu Sengoku because he is WSS and the latter uses swords/have used;
I'm gonna have his comment deleted then I block him.
Enough with your nonsense and stupidity. I'm literally astonished how people can be this dumb.

@Bogard prepare to see many reports
Sounds like your upset buddy . Lmfaoooo
to be honest wanna see Luffy and Sabo defeat the Rocks , this time it should be a pirate and a revo. Sabo is strong and most likely got stronger by fighting Fujitora , so he can take care of BM with some help. Akainu and the WG will be pissed . by the way Garp is 3 years older the roger just like Sabo is 3 years older than Luffy.
that way Sabo and Luffy will make for themselves a name as brothers. and to be honest it will not surprise me at all . Sabo has Kurasu with him he can transport him very quick.
Garp is 1 year older than Roger.
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