One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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People are gonna say Mihawk > Rox :seriously:

That's why debate crazy bois like Ndule and Erkan get credibility :josad:

But seriously tho
They look like real PIRATES
The kind of Pirates you expect from a.Pirate manga. Eustass Kid looks like a pirate too

Can't wait to see full Rox reveal
Anyone believing Ndule or Erkan headcanons truly despises One Piece .

The idea presented is just don't think ill of swordmans (even more in Wano arc ) ,a concept so hard to understand for some.
Dude we need a flashback(real one) with showing how Garp,Roger and probably the others(Sengoku/Rayleigh) fighting off against Rox;Whitebeard,Kaido and Bigmom, that was probably one hell battle who took the whole island down of the map xD.
Also I don´t think if someone check it up, but didn´t Rogers sword looks similar to Shanks sword?
all hail Roger the WSS
all hail Mihawk the true hire of the King
in fact Zoro is the hire of Roger ...

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
Dude we need a flashback(real one) with showing how Garp,Roger and probably the others(Sengoku/Rayleigh) fighting off against Rox;Whitebeard,Kaido and Bigmom, that was probably one hell battle who took the whole island down of the map xD.
Also I don´t think if someone check it up, but didn´t Rogers sword looks similar to Shanks sword?
He might've passed his sword down at the same time he got the hat. I can't imagine Roger not having a meito too...wonder how long until we'll get a question about it in an SBS :catcry:
Luffy's goal is to surpass Shanks. It's part of their promise. Luffy isn't chasing Roger. As a matter of fact, Luffy has never once stated anything about being like Roger. Whenever Luffy and Roger are tied together, it's always by people on the outside. Never by Luffy himself.

Yes, his goal is to surpass Shanks. His personal goal is not Roger, it's Shanks. Luffy has never wanted to be Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea, and the King of the Pirates is the ultimate form of that.

Shanks not being the Pirate King has no relevance.

You're right, there is a difference between the two. The difference is that Shanks is the embodiment of Luffy's goal and Mihawk is the embodiment of Zoro's. That says enough right there. Never made any sense for Mihawk to be greater than Shanks given Shanks' importance and Luffy's own greatness over Zoro. Going "beyond Shanks level and achievements" doesn't mean anything in relation to Mihawk's prowess.
Luffy's goal is the same as Roger's Goal, which means to have the most freedom in the world.

Roger told Shiki that, in the Edd War. Those are the same words Luffy said to Rayleigh and Shanks.
You can hate Garp, but that dude has clearly big balls, going forward with a laugh against the Rox leader and behind him are monsters like Whitebeard,Big mom and Kaido is just a amazing panel. Garp and Roger looks so clean, for some reason both are the strongest of everything. Giving respect for the strongest Navy soldier and the strongest pirate Roger!!

Would love to get more details about this war, probably Sengoku,Zephry and co team up aswell, it was one big hell war.
Yet I don´t think that either Garp or Roger or the others reach their prime, later they get probably far stronger.
I can see a similar scenario with Luffy in wano against Kaido and Big mom(Kaido falling)...
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