They gonna get to arthur vs dragon? That was one of best fights @Seth @ZoroMazino
Again this is false since there was an admiral bandaged up so yes the revos had to have done something else they would not have sent to admirals to capture them
The point of the world government not carrying about the revos is also not a good argument since the revos pulled on their turf while a reverie was going on. Not heing able to deal with that situation makes the world government look bad. Hence the rise in sabo sparking an actual revolution. So now the world government is forced to give a shit about the revos now
To add dragon would not be labeled as the most dangerous man in the world to the point that akainu deemed it neccesary to take out luffy even more so than ace.
To gorosee has always cared about their image hence why they were mad at Morgan's actually using luffy in nika form as his new wanted poster. Which is why the world government felt the need to wipe out a whole country lulucia based on the fact that there people rebelled in that country because of the uprising of sabo at the reverie
The point of the world government not carrying about the revos is also not a good argument since the revos pulled on their turf while a reverie was going on. Not heing able to deal with that situation makes the world government look bad. Hence the rise in sabo sparking an actual revolution. So now the world government is forced to give a shit about the revos now
To add dragon would not be labeled as the most dangerous man in the world to the point that akainu deemed it neccesary to take out luffy even more so than ace.
To gorosee has always cared about their image hence why they were mad at Morgan's actually using luffy in nika form as his new wanted poster. Which is why the world government felt the need to wipe out a whole country lulucia based on the fact that there people rebelled in that country because of the uprising of sabo at the reverie