What does Shanks have to do with it? Are you talking about Makino? They have an age difference of less than 10 years.
The fact is that what is allowed by one is not allowed by others. There are literally tons of Mihawk/Perona fanarts, who have an 18-year age difference, and the artists feel absolutely calm, and I didn't see the shippers being treated badly at all while smotashi shippers are attacked for simply writing fanfics with them.
Leaving the Internet is not the solution. I'm not satisfied with real life either, what would you suggest to do in this case? I already ignore almost everything except what might reflect badly on real people or animals.
Hello there. From the looks of it, Smoker x Tashigi mean something to you, so I'm not gonna judge or tell you they're just fictional characters so don't get worked up over it.
I'm a shipper myself. Not a diehard fan but a fan nonetheless. I like Sanji x Nami if that's not obvious by my av lol. I think they're perfect for each other and the most logical ship amongst the SH imho. However I won't cry over it if it didn't happen. Disappointed for a while sure but that's about it.
Anywho, ignore the haters. It's a waste of time to entertain them. Most don't want to debate or have any kind of meaningful conversation. They just use your love for something to insult or demean you for it to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives.
Next time you find yourself swept up in an argument, online or otherwise, just take a deep and disconnect from it. It'd do you much good, believe me.
Sorry if I sounded a bit preachy but that happens when you're the oldest siblings lol
Much love.