News One Piece: Vivre Card (Data book)-Discussion Thread


I will never forgive Oda
The things is im not beliving either
The fac that they said "the bucaneers have super durable hardness" sealed it for me
Vivre cards are garbage
Bucaneers same mfs that bleed from bullets or celestial dragons stabbing them:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
I don't understand, the statement "Ultimate Seraphim" isn't linked to the buccaneer durability trait. It's just stated as a plain fact.
Why do you feel S-hawk being weaker than S-bear is an L. Forget about agenda for once!
Yes quite frankly S-hawk seems the weakest compared to others.....
(Although they should all be relative in strength)

The other Seraphims are pretty much direct copy of their orginal with Lunarian genes.
S-hawk is the most unoriginal and would be hardest to copy from its original because it's Mihawk.
His sword Yoru can't be replicate, and it's one of the biggest factor contributing to it's overall strength.
S-shark got perfect DF suitable for him that boost his strength. But can't say the same for S-hawk since it's special case, even if Daz bones DF is perfect for S-hawk, without yoru or actual haki it won't be the same...


Talent is something you make bloom.
S-Hawk has no weakness in combat.
Except that know...that their Green Blood gives them the same weakness as any other normal Devil Fruit user....
I mean...
Do you all need the vivre card to spell it out? :kayneshrug:


You can't win
Well Kuma is the original Pacifista Vegapunk experimented the most on. Just like how he subtly gave power to Bonney to control Pacifistas, could make sense if he decided to make S-Bear stronger

Well at least in terms of physical / durability traits, the combo of Lunarian + Buccaneer rare race could make it plausible and he was also seemingly more developed physically on Egghead and thus potentially with more room to grow than the rest, explaining as well why he was Luffy / Lucci's opponent

S-Hawk could still have more potential though which is also what his VC seems to imply