Do people understand that the list just computes how many people mentioned One Piece on their answers where they could say more than 1 option?
The list is not about "33000 people said One Piece is the best manga ever". It's "33000 people think One Piece is among the best mangas ever".
You can say that you don't like "Batman", but saying that "Batman" isn't one of the most well known and successful super heroes ever created is just plain stupidity. Still doesn't mean you have to consider it "the best" or whatever. Same thing applies here.
Y'all should chill and stop getting triggered because some random list isn't exactly how you want it to be.
The list is not about "33000 people said One Piece is the best manga ever". It's "33000 people think One Piece is among the best mangas ever".
You can say that you don't like "Batman", but saying that "Batman" isn't one of the most well known and successful super heroes ever created is just plain stupidity. Still doesn't mean you have to consider it "the best" or whatever. Same thing applies here.
Y'all should chill and stop getting triggered because some random list isn't exactly how you want it to be.