Theory Part 49 (Just Another Headcanon...)

What one piece are you reading lol. Oda is knowledgeable in many diff subjects and includes a lot of different real life theories and events in one piece.
I know,but the flat earth stuff is a medieval concept that gained some life again because some scumbags profit by spreading conspiracies.I don't think Oda will use this at all.I think the big reveal is how and why the red line came to be.Its shape screams geo engineering for me.
I know,but the flat earth stuff is a medieval concept that gained some life again because some scumbags profit by spreading conspiracies.I don't think Oda will use this at all.I think the big reveal is how and why the red line came to be.Its shape screams geo engineering for me.
Or maybe Imu is (or is related to) God of Earth, who has the power to manipulate the earth around us. I always believe that before the ancient war, the water level is much lower. So the red line could actually be erected as a fence to separate one half of the world from the other half, and then water comes flooding on both halves.

And so maybe that's where the Tequila Wolf Bridge comes into play? People trying to cross from one half to the other half after the great flood. But somehow water level (or the earth itself keeps getting manipulated) such that the bridge, after 700 years, can never reaches the final destined point.

There again, if we combine two strawhats together, we get a full circle with a line cutting across it. So in this sense, the Strawhat that Luffy currently holds, is one half of the world. The other Strawhat in Mariejois, believed to be owned by Nika, represents the other half.

When the day the two strawhats meet each other, it symbolises a complete world.
Or maybe Imu is (or is related to) God of Earth, who has the power to manipulate the earth around us. I always believe that before the ancient war, the water level is much lower. So the red line could actually be erected as a fence to separate one half of the world from the other half, and then water comes flooding on both halves.

And so maybe that's where the Tequila Wolf Bridge comes into play? People trying to cross from one half to the other half after the great flood. But somehow water level (or the earth itself keeps getting manipulated) such that the bridge, after 700 years, can never reaches the final destined point.

There again, if we combine two strawhats together, we get a full circle with a line cutting across it. So in this sense, the Strawhat that Luffy currently holds, is one half of the world. The other Strawhat in Mariejois, believed to be owned by Nika, represents the other half.

When the day the two strawhats meet each other, it symbolises a complete world.
Good stuff.I like it.
Why they hating so much lmao
Also the kuma df to franky part there was a theory i watched like 7 years ago related to that using numbers and stuff and it made sense, so it might actually be true.
Im enjoyin what you writing doesnt matter if its gon happen or no so keep up the good work.
No one is hating him for his headcanon theories. The problem with OP is that he keeps pretending that he is a leaker that has some connection to Oda and his editors, and he keeps claiming that his posts on reddit were taken down because of Shueisha which is obviously not true.

Also a lot of his headcanon theories are just old theories from other people that he just takes and then adds his own to the mix, me and maybe some other people would not have any problem with that only if he didn't keep claiming that his headcanon theories are actually leaks.

He is using the whole him being a "leaker" "connection to Oda and his editors" and "posts taken down because of Shueisha" in order for his posts to get attention.

At the end of the day he is just another random reddit user pretending that he has future leaks of because he has some connection, he isn't the only user on the One Piece reddit to do this and users similar to him did this in the past.

Edit: Know what, ill be nice and let it go. Good luck lmao
OP is just an attention seeker, so yeah the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him.
No one is hating him for his headcanon theories. The problem with OP is that he keeps pretending that he is a leaker that has some connection to Oda and his editors, and he keeps claiming that his posts on reddit were taken down because of Shueisha which is obviously not true.

Also a lot of his headcanon theories are just old theories from other people that he just takes and then adds his own to the mix, me and maybe some other people would not have any problem with that only if he didn't keep claiming that his headcanon theories are actually leaks.

He is using the whole him being a "leaker" "connection to Oda and his editors" and "posts taken down because of Shueisha" in order for his posts to get attention.

At the end of the day he is just another random reddit user pretending that he has future leaks of because he has some connection, he isn't the only user on the One Piece reddit to do this and users similar to him did this in the past.

OP is just an attention seeker, so yeah the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him.
Ermm... Not sure what to say... Thanks for continuing to do "the best thing to let it go and ignore [me]" yet dedicating such a long post to this thread of mine? Thanks for ignoring, but see you again in my Part 51, 52, so on and so forth, just like how you ignored me in my Part 1 to 49 by writing in all of them... LMAO

(ps. waiting to u to ignore me again by responding to this text 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
No one is hating him for his headcanon theories. The problem with OP is that he keeps pretending that he is a leaker that has some connection to Oda and his editors, and he keeps claiming that his posts on reddit were taken down because of Shueisha which is obviously not true.

Also a lot of his headcanon theories are just old theories from other people that he just takes and then adds his own to the mix, me and maybe some other people would not have any problem with that only if he didn't keep claiming that his headcanon theories are actually leaks.

He is using the whole him being a "leaker" "connection to Oda and his editors" and "posts taken down because of Shueisha" in order for his posts to get attention.

At the end of the day he is just another random reddit user pretending that he has future leaks of because he has some connection, he isn't the only user on the One Piece reddit to do this and users similar to him did this in the past.

OP is just an attention seeker, so yeah the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him.
Does it matter? Just read them if you want and enjoy them to compare as the series comes out or don't read them and shut up. No one died and made you judge on what people want to believe. It's not your job to convince the masses.
I love how you call him "red hot dog" 🤣
Red Hot Dog is a dirtbag so his dying will be symbolic death given how he was the one who kill Ace. He, too, will die a similar death as his except no one will remember him as a hero given he was a pawn to a bigger fish in the sea. Hell Luffy Gear 5 or whoever will kill that Red Hot Dog and he will be forgotten in the sands of time as a murderer and monster who did crimes.
Does it matter? Just read them if you want and enjoy them to compare as the series comes out or don't read them and shut up. No one died and made you judge on what people want to believe. It's not your job to convince the masses.
First of all shut the fuck up, second of all everything I'm saying is based on my own opinion and I never said to not read his posts, all I said was that the user is just taking other theories adding his own and pretending that he is some leaker with a connection.

If you don't see the problem with that then you are clearly the blind one, even some reddit users have called him out.

Everything I said was to let certain users know that "Hey this guy is not some leaker with a connection." Simple as that, I never said to not read his posts.

I have no problem with users reading this guys posts, I have a problem with OP himself but again those are just my opinion.

As I said to @Paperchampion23 the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him and that's what I'm doing now.

Also stop trying to be OP knight in shining armor, no one asked you to come and defend the user.

I'm also going to say this one last time, I have no problem with headcanon theories and I also don't have any problem with people mixing their own ideas into old theories.

Again my problem are those who do those and then pretend that they are a leaker with a connection, that's the problem I have with users like OP.

Anyways I'm done.:toximoji:

To @Gohdroger you do you, I've already said enough and it only feels like I'm repeating myself.

And to the user I replied to, again stop trying to be Gohdroger knight in shining armor and fuck off.:gouno:

Sorry if I came off a bit mean there, I just want to move on from this.:zosleepy:

Don't bother replying to my reply and please don't tag me here either.
First of all shut the fuck up, second of all everything I'm saying is based on my own opinion and I never said to not read his posts, all I said was that the user is just taking other theories adding his own and pretending that he is some leaker with a connection.

If you don't see the problem with that then you are clearly the blind one, even some reddit users have called him out.

Everything I said was to let certain users know that "Hey this guy is not some leaker with a connection." Simple as that, I never said to not read his posts.

I have no problem with users reading this guys posts, I have a problem with OP himself but again those are just my opinion.

As I said to @Paperchampion23 the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him and that's what I'm doing now.

Also stop trying to be OP knight in shining armor, no one asked you to come and defend the user.

I'm also going to say this one last time, I have no problem with headcanon theories and I also don't have any problem with people mixing their own ideas into old theories.

Again my problem are those who do those and then pretend that they are a leaker with a connection, that's the problem I have with users like OP.

Anyways I'm done.:toximoji:

To @Gohdroger you do you, I've already said enough and it only feels like I'm repeating myself.

And to the user I replied to, again stop trying to be Gohdroger knight in shining armor and fuck off.:gouno:

Sorry if I came off a bit mean there, I just want to move on from this.:zosleepy:

Don't bother replying to my reply and please don't tag me here either.
Wow.. God bless
First of all shut the fuck up, second of all everything I'm saying is based on my own opinion and I never said to not read his posts, all I said was that the user is just taking other theories adding his own and pretending that he is some leaker with a connection.

If you don't see the problem with that then you are clearly the blind one, even some reddit users have called him out.

Everything I said was to let certain users know that "Hey this guy is not some leaker with a connection." Simple as that, I never said to not read his posts.

I have no problem with users reading this guys posts, I have a problem with OP himself but again those are just my opinion.

As I said to @Paperchampion23 the best thing to do is to let it go and ignore him and that's what I'm doing now.

Also stop trying to be OP knight in shining armor, no one asked you to come and defend the user.

I'm also going to say this one last time, I have no problem with headcanon theories and I also don't have any problem with people mixing their own ideas into old theories.

Again my problem are those who do those and then pretend that they are a leaker with a connection, that's the problem I have with users like OP.

Anyways I'm done.:toximoji:

To @Gohdroger you do you, I've already said enough and it only feels like I'm repeating myself.

And to the user I replied to, again stop trying to be Gohdroger knight in shining armor and fuck off.:gouno:

Sorry if I came off a bit mean there, I just want to move on from this.:zosleepy:

Don't bother replying to my reply and please don't tag me here either.
Chill or I'll have to ban you
Also stop trying to be OP knight in shining armor, no one asked you to come and defend the user.
I invited the user to the forum. I saw his stuff on reddit, feared it might get removed and also wanted to discuss it outside of reddit's crap UI so I messaged him the link and asked him to join and repost here.

Now it reflects on me as a horrible person to have invited him to such a hostile environment where he's nonstop bitched at.

So I'd greatly appreciate it if you don't be an ass and chase him off.
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