Future Events Pe D. Ro is alive and next Strawhat



Why is Pedro being mentioned so many times in Wano? It's to prep all of us for his return. My guy is gonna come back as a snow leopard and garchu his way into the straw hat ship.

Jimbe(fish), Pedro(mink), Yamato(demon/giant titties). Three to join at end of Wano arc.

Please donate to my onlyfans once I'm proven right by goda.



Zoro Worshipper
I think it would kinda render what Carrot is doing redundant if he was alive but still plots of this kind are also not new in fiction. I see it hard he survived despite this is Oda however.
There will either be a half-cyborg or clone reproduced by Germa. Or Peckoms will steal a basket of souls and revive Pedro, as it was with Opera and Moscato.
lmao he has fullfiled his purpose, if he come back to life then all of the sacrifices and every anger which has been made because of that would be meaningless, especially if its only for the sake of fan service.