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I'm not ready to lynch her yet but I could go for it, in the absence of any better avenues or discussion. Don't want to rely on kills too much as scum will have ways to manipulate them
Good point. Dest did say his kills cant be stop, but can they be redirected?

we shud have the numbers etc..

if prof wanted to kill townies for sake of wincon why not kill an inactive town or like a player readable as town but not an active one like X. killing X who was actively town read is striclty scum side play
This is a good point.

Why couldn't you have kill an inactive? Why kill someone who claims 6 pokemons?


The End and the Beginning
Oh my fucking god are you dense or what.

Charlie claims he knows what Destiny Bond does.


He also knows the anti Mafia action was legit since the WU was real and it‘s confirmed to him. He has ZERO reason to assume Flower 1.0 was Mafia in any fucking way.

You guys see nothing wrong with that line of thinking or what. Maybe he wasn‘t thinking this through, but you guys are acting like complete morons now if you see nothing wrong with what he said.
The problem Flower is I can't see any evidence of you having considered the scum motivation behind his actions - especially because you subbed right back in. What does he actually gain from it? I feel like it's hard for me to come around to you being able to work through his end of day yesterday, you having the best seats in the house for this too, and decide that all of that is outweighed because Charlie suggested you were scummy end of day in how you handled your defence.

I mean you're suggesting that he self-sabotages here for no real gain because Flower 1 being scum would look just awful on him. Frankly I think you're backfilling.


The End and the Beginning
Also if you wanna vote me again after literally ruining my mood after the worst night I had in a while prepare for fucking war. I‘m not willing to take this disgusting bullshit any longer.
I didn't vote you the first time. I had nothing to do with your lynch and while it's probably easy for me to say now I wouldn't have supported it either. I'm trying to respect your legacy too by looking at your voters so I don't really think you get to claim any sort of highground here. I suggest leaving this until tomorrow- but I do expect you to shore up the questions I'm raising.
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