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Probably Michelle. Haven't moved my vote because I was asleep

Vote: Michelle

Now you can answer what I was asking you about.
The backfilling stuff? Idek what you mean by that. It can‘t even be backfilling when I evidently haven‘t even read much. I just think there is a flaw with Charlie‘s reasoning about Flower 1.0 being scum due to the janitored lynch. Which I can more reconcile with him just not thinking things through than him being scum given his latest response, however.


The End and the Beginning
The backfilling stuff? Idek what you mean by that. It can‘t even be backfilling when I evidently haven‘t even read much. I just think there is a flaw with Charlie‘s reasoning about Flower 1.0 being scum due to the janitored lynch. Which I can more reconcile with him just not thinking things through than him being scum given his latest response, however.

I'll let it be I guess
I‘m also not sure Michelle is the way to go here. She said I look Town due to emotions. I‘m not exactly sure that would be an angle scum necessarily use for fabricating a read.


The End and the Beginning
I‘m also not sure Michelle is the way to go here. She said I look Town due to emotions. I‘m not exactly sure that would be an angle scum necessarily use for fabricating a read.
...what? Why is that an intrinsically townie reason to read someone then?

Who else have you got in mind?

since you're confirmed townie, can you share your thoughts?

Was it kiku that used heat wave?

Who do u think is mafia?
Ability itself is imo scummy af, but fact that she claimed it makes me think she could be town. Like, Fang's janitor ability was scummy too, so it's not that simple.

charlie admitted to being a opportunist to get town creds

Oh my fucking god are you dense or what.

Charlie claims he knows what Destiny Bond does.


He also knows the anti Mafia action was legit since the WU was real and it‘s confirmed to him. He has ZERO reason to assume Flower 1.0 was Mafia in any fucking way.

You guys see nothing wrong with that line of thinking or what. Maybe he wasn‘t thinking this through, but you guys are acting like complete morons now if you see nothing wrong with what he said.

One scum getting their scummate's abilities after they die isn't that rare. Like, at all. I can go back and find like 3 games where i was scum and we had something like that if you want. Ability itself doesn't imply it came from town. After lynch, seeing that ability and janitored flip, through night i assumed it's scum slot and WU was partially faked. Which is why i intended to give my abilities to dude who's been scum reading you.

What do you think i gain as scum here? Like, what's my motivation in making myself look even worse trying to save you over Naomi who has been defending me entire D1? Like, how does that make sense?
...what? Why is that an intrinsically townie reason to read someone then?

Who else have you got in mind?
I think Hime is not a bad direction.

And not just because I‘m following Dest.

And I consider the emotion angle a weird angle to Town lean somebody as scum. There are much easier ways to do that. Then again, it is a multiball game, so this can be a genuine read while she‘s scum as well.
I‘m also not sure Michelle is the way to go here. She said I look Town due to emotions. I‘m not exactly sure that would be an angle scum necessarily use for fabricating a read.
havent seen a reason addressed by most bar the late flower wagon jump . They are not interested in making connections , getting down to some poe. these lot just want their lynch done and to go home.

but the fact that you are the one of the few experienced players calling this out is very telling.

I trust you flower
havent seen a reason addressed by most bar the late flower wagon jump . They are not interested in making connections , getting down to some poe. these lot just want their lynch done and to go home.

but the fact that you are the one of the few experienced players calling this out is very telling.

I trust you flower
and btw these are the kind of things I will expect a certain active player to do but
they arent doing it rn and I want to know why

they know themselves .


The End and the Beginning
I think Hime is not a bad direction.

And not just because I‘m following Dest.

And I consider the emotion angle a weird angle to Town lean somebody as scum. There are much easier ways to do that. Then again, it is a multiball game, so this can be a genuine read while she‘s scum as well.
Are there easier ways? Emotion can be pretty fickle so to me it sounds like a pretty easy thing to lean into.

Flower - is this because she was town leaning you at a time where you felt you were getting pressured? If so, just say that - don't dress it up with silliness.
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