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He was pushing me in a similar fashion as here. I also suspected a guy and he pointed out it's flawed reasoning...which-it quite frankly was, but I was right about that guy being scum.

I do think he's genuine scum hunting, at least...but multiball.
ah ok if thats your reasoning

thought it was something else.
welp, brave question after i read everyone other than Flower 1.0 wrong last cycle (out of dead people)

2- @Naomi - sounds like town to me, if you're scum you're doing great job imo
3- @Pot Goblin - i guess he's ok, doesn't ping me as opportunistic or insincere
4- @Joygirl - i think town
6- @Mr. Reloaded - tbh i didn't like that investigation choice at all, either scum role cop or regular investigator so i'd let him do his job and then decide
7- @RippedCal - idk, he's barely here
8- @Juliet - can't say much either, didn't stick out to me as scum tbh
9- @Random Asshole - read, ripped cal
10- @Michelle - idk, like, i'd expect her to be more present as town, slight scum lean
11- @Charlie - scum gf playing 5D chess, easy
12- @Kiku - guts tell me it's town, her reactions are genuine i think and even if she's scum i hope she goes hard for another scumteam
13- @T-Pein™ - tbh i don't remember much from him .-. i mean, if there was something bad i think i'd remember
14- @Sallucion - ???
15- @~UwU~ - reminds me more of what i remember as town him
16- @Psylocke - basically what i said about joygirl
18- @MUUGEN - hello, cool avatar
19- @Dr_Professor83 - hello, ok avatar
20- @hime - who?
21- @Ratchet - this thing being multiball, i fully expect ratchet to die soon whether he's scum or not and think even as scum he'd rather get 2nd team lynched to gain town cred, so i'll just treat him as town at this stage
22- @LANJI CUCKSMOKE - doesn't feel sincere to me tbh, if flips scum, we should look more into Flower 2.0 imo
24- @BakiDou - i barely remember anything from baki
25- @Alwaysmind - ???
26- @Ekkologix - i never know what to do with Ekko, i always/most of the time investigate him N1 whenever i can, i can't really sense any agenda from him but idk
27- @Flower 2.0 - tbh, i liked Flower 1.0 much more, this could be me OMGUSing her, so idk, also look at what i said about Lanji
28- @Midnight Delight - could see that as coasting scum tbh, like he's posting but i don't remember much of it
29- @MonochromeYoru - i hope town, i think town, i don't have anything solid to back it up though
30- @Destroya Trainer Destroya - good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep
31- @MitchMatch - this i believe is coasting scum, showing up to vote and all but doesn't talk to much about game other than that.

people who asked
@Destroya @MUUGEN @Flower
@~UwU~ do you still think Charlie's reads are full of shit?
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