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also u might just die and we wont know who they r. ur literally a claimed watcher u cant really expect to live long if mafia is half compotent

and why TR on charlie specifically? sorry if u said all this pls rehash for me
The watch was a oneshot the other things I do... well, no spoilers, but ill be fine

Besides the fact I agree with a lot of his takes, I like his honesty and openness.


What could have been...
Lol yeah not wasting further time as you continue to nitpick here . You seemingly were keen on flower last phase , got the lynch , but to your admission had no effect on your read list or any progression made this phase . When I addressed you with this in the phase you simply said less talking and just place a vote .

you seemingly only turned it up now when you got in the pan for it and unfortunately I won’t be buying it.
what am i nitpicking here exactly? this is pretty straight forward:

i asked u if u think i was defeated and u said no i was laidback - disagreeing with tpein that i wasnt defeated but rather laidback

then u said they r basically the same thing and im just making excuses

then i showed u how these 2 are different things. i was definitely laid back yes, and i established doing so multiple times in and outside the game that i wont bother much in SRMs, but i was not defeated (this was tpeins contention, who he, AM and u fail to establish)

also contested the point that this is alignment indicative for me, because its not, and i can readily bring town games for me when i was laidback and simply busy to do much

now u immediately move the goal post to my flower wagon, who btw wasnt very informative because it was a CFD and it also allegedly flipped town. you are going to concede this shit immediately or be casted to fire actually


The End and the Beginning
i basically 3 posted them scum
havent got the spicy parts with michelle yet, whats the skinny on her? i had her slight wolf yesterday for reasons prof mentioned
The cliffnote version is she had no reasoning to be on Flower's wagon then provided some abridged argument today, tried to spin my position as "pushing Naomi" without regard for my town read of Naomi, OMGUS in defence of the above and a complete lack of interest in solving. The reasoning she did give for being on the wagon yesterday also doesn't make much sense.
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