You are really saying my boy
@RayanOO is not the King of sanji fan ?
Rayan doesn't take L every weeks
Exactly. He who never takes Ls shall always be weaker than he who takes Ls but shamelessly promotes his wank regardless.
Where so many other Sanji fans have become disillusioned, have lost heart, have lost all hope and all faith,
@Chrono has stood defiantly in the face of all this immeasurable loss.
He has clashed ceaselessly against the Zorotide, he has survived the Woe Bake Island tragedy that claimed so many of the classic Sanji fan base, he has never stopped wanking a character that some believe to have been abandoned by Oda himself and most importantly, he has never lost faith.
@RayanOO is but a hill in comparison to the mighty immovable mountain that is
@Chrono , a bastion for the Sanji fan base to rally around, for no matter how dark the situation becomes for Sanji fans, Chrono shall light the way with an iron will, a black leg and with Diable Jambe in foot.
@Chrono is indeed the true King of the Sanji fans. :cheers:
Especially considering that Rayan is a blue chicken wanker.