Powers & Abilities Power Creep and Story Inconsistencies

yes. completely so.

we saw very early on what top tiers or commanders can do.
pre skip Zoro threw buildings. Luffy whipped 200t gold balls arround. Enel was about to blast an island into the ground etc.
Luffy leveled a part of Alabastas capitol in his final attack vs Croc. Zoro occasionally used ryou.

other than fancier drawing theres not much different now and then.
or you mean the anime? well the anime went DBZ for sure.
Thats more of a symptom of power creep and not really power creep in itself.
This isn't even an issue. We have no clue how strong Kidd & Killer really are. We've never seen their full strength.

So theres not really anything to justify.
Arbitrary distinction, extending the power limit is also a symptom.
Agreed, i did not justify it, i told you the OP is not only referring to Kaidou being a completely new power limit, but the guys that are supposed to beat them reaching that point by, from his point of view, non-satisfactory explanations.
After chapter 1000, I’m entirely convinced that One Piece is going down the same route as Dragon Ball and Naruto where the power creep for the main characters gets way too out of hand.

Am I overreacting or are my concerns legitimate?
Its not Luffy got there step by step he mastered the adv haki its better than DB and Naruto where you have just to scream or wait for a god to give you a power up