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AL sama

Red Haired
I guarantee you that's an extremely rare case and probably something only happening in California.

I know everyday when I wake up in the morning I'm not in any danger of being lynched because of my sexuality. A gay/bi individual does not get that assurance.

Hence the whole pride month thing. They aren't trying to demean us for being straight or anything. All I'm trying to get you to understand.

Ask @Rottkins.
just look at this thread and you'll notice how rapidly things are changing
Oh wow, you gave me pseudoscience. I've had the asexual disorder long before it was swallowed into pride and half the internet knew about it. You can lecture on the other alphabet, but DO NOT, tell me what asexuality is when I've had to deal with its obstruction for years now. It is a disorder impossible to get rid of, and one that makes existing with other people hell. The spectrum crap is bs kids who want to be special.
If you don't accept yourself you will never be happy.
Remember when they said homosexuality is a disorder? Good old times 🤡
What a bizarre thread, most of the time these things seem like bait because there's seem to be a lot of people here that don't understand some people just aren't interested in the same things you are or make it a priority.

I guess this is an American thing ? :few: This has the same vibes as someone making an thread about someone's birthday and people comming here to say "Happy Birthday" while others say don't bother me with these notifications.
It is a disorder, and not a spectrum.

The literal purpose of humanity or most species is to multiply and reproduce, thus we get attraction in order to make that happen. If our brain suddenly doesn't get that attraction, and urge to mate to reproduce, then it is an abnormality and disorder. When the majority of a species is programmed to fuck, and your wiring has no interest, or urge to, that's a disorder.

It's not some natural 'oh you're just different,' it literally goes against human nature as a whole.

Unless nature formed it to get rid of some of us from the gene pool, it's a disorder.

And since I've been cursed with having to live with it, I will continue calling it a disorder.
You talk like mindlessly popping out babies is enough to build a civilisation that helps us survive.....
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There was nothing vile of what I said. As an asexual who has been one for as early as the age of when girls should be getting crushes, long before the internets form of pseudoscience asexuality; I just explained the disorder, and what it's not, and how it differs from human nature.

The 'win,' was because he keeps on pushing the spectrum and it being part of pride, which if he finally gives up, yeah it's a win.

Real asexuals, the ones forced to have this damn condition aren't part of pride. Because there's no pride to be had in not being able to partake in something the majority of humanity feels. Liken it to the Vinsmokes not being able to feel emotions, part of being human. Asexuals can't feel attraction, a giant part of being human that's missing.
Damn who fed you this propaganda??
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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I guess this is an American thing ? :few:
It's only really a big deal in America. Other countries have their little thing here and there but that's it.

Another thing Pride Month has become famous/infamous for is corporations jumping onto to bandwagon and exploiting the event by including the flag onto their products just to sell products. They don't actually care about any of this. :milaugh:

At the end of the month all the rainbow stuff in marketing goes away and corps pretend like nothing happened. Till next year.
That sounds more like an attack on religion than anything.
Doesn't matter. They still won't give us the manifesto because they were trans and despite being a murderer, they get protective status. Any other killing and you'd have read it months ago.

The script has flipped, alphabet is more protected than non-alphabet these days. Luckily, people are waking up, and not having it, now that it's starting to affect kids.
Doesn't matter. They still won't give us the manifesto because they were trans and despite being a murderer, they get protective status. Any other killing and you'd have read it months ago.

The script has flipped, alphabet is more protected than non-alphabet these days. Luckily, people are waking up, and not having it, now that it's starting to affect kids.
Weird how you are Uber obsessed with that specific mass shooting but not the other 90% that are perpetrated by right wing extremists, incels and bigots. It’s as if you’re cherry picking that specific one due to idk, disdain for the lgbtq community?
Weird how you are Uber obsessed with that specific mass shooting but not the other 90% that are perpetrated by right wing extremists, incels and bigots. It’s as if you’re cherry picking that specific one due to idk, disdain for the lgbtq community?
The other shootings release the manifestos if there's one. My point is, they are protecting a murderer, and refusing to give their written reasons because they know it'd cause an uproar.
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