Break Week Progress of My Full One Piece Analysis

Which Mystery or Reveal are you most Excited for?

  • Haki Explanation (Inspiration Explained)

    Votes: 14 17.7%
  • New Major Reveal (Never Found Before)

    Votes: 15 19.0%
  • Straw Hats Crew Inspiration (

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • Major Deaths

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • Wano's Saviors

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • Kaido's Defeat (

    Votes: 24 30.4%
  • Momo's Importance (What he Read in Oden's Journal)

    Votes: 8 10.1%
  • The Dawn (Everything related to Sun)

    Votes: 20 25.3%
  • The Moon (Huge Foreshadowing)

    Votes: 22 27.8%
  • Pre-Void Century (Biggest OP Lore)

    Votes: 37 46.8%
  • Greatest Power (Endgame Ability)

    Votes: 9 11.4%
  • Im-Sama (Identity & Previous Appearance)

    Votes: 29 36.7%
  • Blackbeard (Role, Secret & Ending)

    Votes: 20 25.3%
  • Shanks (True Identity)

    Votes: 25 31.6%
  • Post-Wano Events (Upcoming Arcs)

    Votes: 23 29.1%
  • Crocodile's Secret

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • Final War Explained

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • Tequila Wolf (Why was it Built)

    Votes: 19 24.1%
  • Ending (Roles of all Straw Hats & Post-War World)

    Votes: 21 26.6%

  • Total voters
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Kaido & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
I waited for this, let's take a good look at it now. And don't worry, the best things tend to be the last things to happen.
Post automatically merged:

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.
That would be the part that would basically hurt me the most.
Last edited:

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
In Thriller Bark, Franky made all the available Straw Hats combine to form the Big Emperor against Oars. It failed because it was fucking silly and they didn't cooperate.
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
This is a great theory, very much an interesting read. :cheers:

But isn't Drake in Wano, too? I doubt he will leave alongside CP0 willingly (after their deal with Orochi no less), so that means there will still be a Marine presence to report ZKK truthfully.

Also, ZKK doesn't necessarily mean Luffy's bounty will be less than Zoro's if reported acoordingly. I mean, look at Dressrosa:

Luffy has a 100 million increase (400 -> 500)
Zoro had a 200 million increase (120 -> 320)

Luffy had the smaller raise but stayed ahead of Zoro because his initial bounty was higher than Zoro's.

That means, Luffy "only" getting, say, 1.5 billion raise for defeating Kaido in the end of his raid gauntlet while Zoro got 2+ billion (based on Teech's MF experience) for pummeling King and killing Kaido do not necessitate a misinformation. ZKK can still happen and be reported truthfully for Luffy's bounty to be in the 3 billion range and Zoro's to be in the 2 billion range. :kata:
This is a great theory, very much an interesting read. :cheers:

But isn't Drake in Wano, too? I doubt he will leave alongside CP0 willingly (after their deal with Orochi no less), so that means there will still be a Marine presence to report ZKK truthfully.

Also, ZKK doesn't necessarily mean Luffy's bounty will be less than Zoro's if reported acoordingly. I mean, look at Dressrosa:

Luffy has a 100 million increase (400 -> 500)
Zoro had a 200 million increase (120 -> 320)

Luffy had the smaller raise but stayed ahead of Zoro because his initial bounty was higher than Zoro's.

That means, Luffy "only" getting, say, 1.5 billion raise for defeating Kaido in the end of his raid gauntlet while Zoro got 2+ billion (based on Teech's MF experience) for pummeling King and killing Kaido do not necessitate a misinformation. ZKK can still happen and be reported truthfully for Luffy's bounty to be in the 3 billion range and Zoro's to be in the 2 billion range. :kata:
And don't forget that whatever Zoro does, also affects Luffy. ¿Remember the Celestial dragon moment?
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
Man I lowkey hate this. :lusalty:
But I agree with the paralleled comparisons you made. I never noticed them. So King should be enough for Zoro to forge a black blade, then Zoro uses the new tech to kill Kaido. Yup this is 100% boutta happen. New Agenda time :zosmug:
I waited for this, let's take a good look at it now. And don't worry, the best things tend to be the last things to happen.
Indeed, thanks, i wanna make sure the Analysis is as accurate as possible
That would be the part that would basically hurt me the most.
But isn't Drake in Wano, too? I doubt he will leave alongside CP0 willingly (after their deal with Orochi no less), so that means there will still be a Marine presence to report ZKK truthfully.

Also, ZKK doesn't necessarily mean Luffy's bounty will be less than Zoro's if reported acoordingly. I mean, look at Dressrosa:

Luffy has a 100 million increase (400 -> 500)
Zoro had a 200 million increase (120 -> 320)

Luffy had the smaller raise but stayed ahead of Zoro because his initial bounty was higher than Zoro's.

That means, Luffy "only" getting, say, 1.5 billion raise for defeating Kaido in the end of his raid gauntlet while Zoro got 2+ billion (based on Teech's MF experience) for pummeling King and killing Kaido do not necessitate a misinformation. ZKK can still happen and be reported truthfully for Luffy's bounty to be in the 3 billion range and Zoro's to be in the 2 billion range. :kata:
Can't disagree & that was really just my own idea, cuz i can't see Zoro's Bounty being higher than Luffy's
But you're right, it's possible that CP-0 or Drake will indeed witness ZKK
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There is actually an even bigger reason why Kaido must be taken down by the Hands of Luffy + Zoro + New Weapon (Rest of SHs)
But that's part of my Analysis

This was just about Nami-Zoro & Ulti-Kaido Parallel which i noticed
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Kitetsu Wanker
I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
Interesting parallels but I think CP0 or at least Drake will see Zoro killing Kaido and he will get 3.2bil bounty while Luffy 5bil bounty which would be a parallel to their DR bounties of 500mil and 320mil. It is time for Zoro's name to reach heavens and this is probably their most important bounty raise because the only one left could be post-Raftel which should be a rather minor increase.
If they fight BB after WG, their bounties probably wont change since WG will be overthrown and new Marine leadership(Fujitora, Drake, Smoker, Coby) will be in place which is rather on good terms with the Strawhats.
In Thriller Bark, Franky made all the available Straw Hats combine to form the Big Emperor against Oars. It failed because it was fucking silly and they didn't cooperate.
When the Raid started, they faced Numbers & said that they are now way Stronger & could handle such Creature
So it would fit that the Raid ends with Straw Hats saying that they also have better Cooperation & can now execute that Combination Attack

Also it's expected that Straw Hats after they defeats their opponents, they go help Stop the Arc's Timed Bomb, such as Crocodile's Bomb, Birdcage & Buster Call in Enies Lobby ... etc So it's expected that their Next Goal now is stopping Onigashima
Post automatically merged:

Interesting parallels but I think CP0 or at least Drake will see Zoro killing Kaido and he will get 3.2bil bounty while Luffy 5bil bounty which would be a parallel to their DR bounties of 500mil and 320mil. It is time for Zoro's name to reach heavens and this is probably their most important bounty raise because the only one left could be post-Raftel which should be a rather minor increase.
If they fight BB after WG, their bounties probably wont change since WG will be overthrown and new Marine leadership(Fujitora, Drake, Smoker, Coby) will be in place which is rather on good terms with the Strawhats.
Whatever a SH does will buff Luffy's bounty because he is the captain after all.
That's true, i agree
I also would love to see Zoro's Bounty surpassing 3 Billion

Tbh, with Kaido Defeated & BM failing to stop Supernova for second time, i expect People to stop using the term Yonko & only focus on remaining Major Players. I agree with @nik87 that Shanks might raid Blackbeard's Island & force him to retreat (Which according to my Analysis, is part of his Bigger Plan)

So Post-Wano, People will only mention Shanks & Luffy as Two Remaining Players for Pirate King Seat
And Zoro will have Yonko-Like Bounty which will make people compare him to Rayleigh and Beckman or Mihawk (Depending on if Mihawk joins Red-Hair Pirates or not) and tbh, it would be perfect time to reveal Mihawk & Rayleigh's Bounties & compare them to Zoro

Kid will have Very High Bounty too but with no Army behind him, Big Mom will be considered past her prime & not PK candidate anymore, and BB will be called a Failure until he shows his True Plan & surprise everyone
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I waited for this, let's take a good look at it now. And don't worry, the best things tend to be the last things to happen.
Post automatically merged:

That would be the part that would basically hurt me the most.
I think this would hurt all us zoro fans but man does it make sense lol
Post automatically merged:

I honestly didn't expect that it would take me so long to do this Analysis but i can't help it, since i'm always discovering new stuff that makes me write more & more & revisit previous discoveries. The Analysis is gonna end up being way longer than what i said in Initial Post & it's kinda delayed, so dunno when i will finish it.

But i feel that i did you a disservice, by teasing this Project & then providing nothing for over a Month.
That's why i decided to mention a ZKK Hint today, hopefully it wasn't shared before, but either way, i think it's definitely worth discussing.
(You can create a Separate Thread for it if you want, as long as you Mention me)


Not long ago, i made a Thread about how Wano's Original Plan didn't involve Supernova, but since Oda ended up introducing them Mid-Story, he needed a way to add them into this Arc, so we have a Proper Build Up for FInal Arc that also includes Supernova.
So Oda decided to add Three Supernova on Luffy's Side & Three others on Kaido's Side, he made one of them betray Kaido & also added Big Mom to the Arc.

All of this, so that we end up with Killer vs Hawkins & Drake vs Apoo & BM vs Kid + Law
This way, Oda gets to make the Additional Characters take care of each other, without changing his Original Plan.
But there is something very weird, if those were their Match-Ups & SHs + Original Wano Cast are gonna fight Beasts Pirates, then why did Oda make Big Mom interfere in Nami's Fight?? Because if you remove BM & Supernova from this Arc, nothing change, "Except" Nami Fight!

This is when i noticed that Ulti is Very Special & Oda used her differently than other Tobbi Roppo.
Making her have a Brother & fights alongside him, making her Fight multiple Characters, making her get back up again after her supposed First Defeat (Against BM) & also she is only one who was Stronger than her SH Opponent !!

Don't you see the Pattern here?
Ulti represents Kaido !! That's why he made her part of a Duo, to mirror Kaido & BM (Who also considered Kaido like a Sibling)!
So let's check Key Moments in Ulti's Journey & see what we find:

1. Ulti fought a lot, but there were Three Attacks she received that Stood Out, because they were Attacks from an Interfering Opponent who surprised her. They are Yamato, O-Tama & Big Mom.

2. As for the one who Defeated her (Nami), she landed Three Attacks that stood out. First Attack was after O-Tama arrived, Second Attack was when she protected O-Tama (Before BM Interfered) & Third is Final Attack when Ulti was finally taken out by Zeus.

Are you starting to see the bigger image?
Three Parties interfered with Ulti, did you notice that Yamato represents Oden? And that O-Tama represents Luffy? And Big Mom used a Laser Attack making her seem like a Weapon/Canon

So if Ulti represents Kaido, does that mean that He will go through Three Major Fights before finally getting Defeated?
And could it be that they are distinguishable from Attacks that he receives at Start of Fight? Similar to how Yamato, Tama & BM surprised Ulti.

Yamato represents Oden, just like Scabbards, guess what?
O-Tama represents Luffy, guess what?
What about the Third One? Well it didn't happen yet, but thanks to BM, we now know who will be the Third one to Surprise Kaido.
It's a New Weapon/Laser!

1. Franky said he will Build New Weapon to Defeat Kaido
2. Oda added a Scene where Sanji fails to Destroy Punk Hazard Door, but Franky Succeeds & then makes sure to explain it, by making Fodders there say that the Door was Destroyed "Internally", & it was Immune to most Damage, exactly like Kaido who can only be damaged internally
3. Sanji said that Franky would love to get his hands on Queen's Lasers, not to mention that Oda made Queen a Scientist, clearly hinting at New Blueprints for Franky to use
4. Oda made sure BM's Attack resembles a Laser Canon & also in Franky Fight, he made Sasaki have a Scar in his Stomach (Dealt with a Sword) & Franky aimed at same Spot with his Laser to take him down !!
5. Pluton is said to be able to Destroy an Island with a Single Shot, so if Oda is planning to make Franky build one for Final Arc, then they need some kind of "Test" before they do so. That's why we currently have an Island that really needs to be Destroyed! (Also when Zoro Cut Pica or Meteor in Stampede Movie, it won't stop them from falling, so Onigashima if it's gonna be Destroyed, needs to be completely blown away
6. Kaido is also similar to Oars & Oda made sure to add a Funny Scene of SHs merging into a New Weapon

However, it won't be Franky alone, obviously most Straw Hats will commandeer this New Weapon and Oda provided many Hints, such as Usopp really enjoyed the Shogun when he was using part of it & Chopper expressed how he wants to use one of Franky's Weapons ... etc

So now, i explained to you, the Three Major Opponents who will surprise Kaido & lead to his Defeat.
But Ulti wasn't defeated by any of them, she was actually defeated by Nami.
Who does she represent? None other than Roronoa Zoro, why?
Well, feast your eyes:

I previously showed you Nami's Three Attacks on Ulti, so let's compare them to Zoro's Run:

1. Nami's First Attack didn't deal much damage to Ulti & it was followed by Nami saying "I need more Lightning" !! Exactly like Zoro's First Attack against Kaido where he said "I need more Haki"

2. Nami's Second Attack was after O-Tama is down & she declared that she will Protect her !! Exactly like Zoro's Most Important Attack so far, when Luffy was down & Zoro Protected him with Asura

3. Before Nami finally delivered Third Major Attack & Defeated Ulti for good, do you know what happened? Nami's Weapon got an "Upgrade" !!! Are we expecting an Upgrade for Zoro's Weapon? Yes ofc, we are all waiting for Black Blade. They are even similar, for example Nami's Weapon merged with Zeus Spirit, just like Zoro's Sword that will turn Permanently Black after merging with Haki/Spirit

4. At the end, what happened? Ulti returned after being hit by the Laser, attacked Usopp, was gonna finish off O-Tama, but Usopp saved her & then Nami finished her off using the New Upgraded Weapon.

So here is what will happen at the End, Kaido will Fight Luffy, while Straw Hats are preparing a Canon/Laser (I expect all of them will play a Part in preparing & firing it) and i believe Luffy doesn't have the Power to take down Kaido, but he does have the Power to destroy his Weapon, Push him into the Weapon's Trajectory & claim himself Victorious.

In other words, Kaido's Defeat will be a Combined Effort of Luffy & Canon controlled by Most SHs.
Zoro could possibly be there too, but it's not certain.
CP-0 will witness this & claim Luffy as Victorious over Kaido & his Bounty gets very High & this is when they "Leave"
Kaido either seems to be Destroyed alongside Onigashima or he falls into the Sea, so everyone thinks he is Gone for good

But he emerges again & vows Revenge & attacks Capital & also Luffy, that's when Zoro with his New Black Blade interferes & Beheads Kaido just like Nami finished off Ulti.

This Feat will be unseen by CP-0 & for them, he was Killed by Luffy & Canon/Laser, that's why Zoro will only be credited for Defeating King & his Bounty will be +1.5 Billion while Luffy will have Yonko like Bounty.

This way, ZKK Happens, Zoro's Bounty doesn't Surpass his Captain's. Luffy is claimed Victorious & have his 1 v 1 against Kaido, also Oda's Claim about Kaido not being Defeated by a Punch will be True, cuz Luffy will receive Help & Kaido will be Defeated by Pluton-Like Canon. This way Oda literally satisfies all Fandoms & gives a Satisfactory End to Kaido

Cuz whether you like it or not, Oda cannot give Zoro Higher Bounty than Luffy, but ZKK must definitely happen & also Oda cannot let Kaido be defeated by Luffy's Punch, but he still must let him have his 1 v 1. So he created this Scenario to fill these Four Conditions.

Sorry for long read, but please give it a try. (Also sorry if i forgot to tag anyone, but at least you will receive notif that i replied in this Thread)
I really like this to me it makes a lot of sense and since it seems like we are gonna get the sh vs kaido I’m hyped af for this kaido weapon from franky that man bout to get a major feat lol
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Interesting parallels but I think CP0 or at least Drake will see Zoro killing Kaido and he will get 3.2bil bounty while Luffy 5bil bounty which would be a parallel to their DR bounties of 500mil and 320mil. It is time for Zoro's name to reach heavens and this is probably their most important bounty raise because the only one left could be post-Raftel which should be a rather minor increase.
If they fight BB after WG, their bounties probably wont change since WG will be overthrown and new Marine leadership(Fujitora, Drake, Smoker, Coby) will be in place which is rather on good terms with the Strawhats.
3billion is too much for Zori atm