Kizaru can spam way more lasers, pacifista just has the default laser finger( same way You would get just the gomu no pistol of luffy but not gears) can turn into light himself, has speed of light
And shiryu can do more than just turn himself invisible
we know he can also turn other things invisible. Absalomb even turned an entire ship invisible.
We don't know the full extent of his powers and we don't know the extent to which observation haki counters him. Doffy couldn't find moria once absalomb made him invisible. He thought moria just vanished.
Exactly, Shiryu's pretty sneaky even without devil's fruit. He was moving around ID without being detected by their surveillance cameras destroying their communications systems. Suke Suke no Mi's a perfect ability for the guy; he makes good use of it.
characters rely on their senses more than you'd think. CoO can't be used forever, even katakuri had a timelimit. A strong fighter with the suke suke no mi would basically be able to drain their opponent's CoO and once they run out of it, they'd be absolutely fucked.
Unless you are fujitora, shiryu's DF is going to cause you problems
apparently in the ace novel thatch claimed thats the one BB wanted while he was wrong, its interesting thats the fruit that was mentioned.
BB's crew are on the hunt for wicked abilities ,not just any fruit so its interesting than the most terrifying pirate's n2 got that fruit
one which we assume oda has revealed the capabilities of prets so why would he bring it back?
oda isnt going to have shiryu show just what absalom did , that would be repetitive
the fruit already allows you to make anything(your environment?) you are in contact with invisible so what are the plans to awakening
what is the potential of the fruit in the hands of a capable user?
thats what you should be asking because that may well be terrifying .
comparing sanji , queen knockoff to it or absaloms disgraceful use of it is most likely not how this goes.
and this thought process is well in line with zoro his most likely opponents development.
will he be harder to cut because he is more durable than kaido or king? hard to cut for someone who can coat his swords in coc?
likely not
if it can be imperceptible beyond the realms of reg coo that is most likely the intention. No matter the attack power if you cant detect where he is
you arent touching him.
and ps he will be much stronger than king
much stronger than this zoro eow
its just how opponents are .
I mean if Shiryu can use it on objects without constantly touching them. He could really be a monster to mess with.
Imagine Shiryu knocking a sword out of Zoros hand and the sword legit disappears, all presence and look of it. Would actually be a pretty good counter to swordsman.
He could also royally fuck with a battle zone by placing invisible traps throughout the field (hes underhanded so is a solid use)
The biggest upgrade the clear clear fruit has that Germa tech doesn’t is the ability to imbue other things with invisibility.
I mean if Shiryu can use it on objects without constantly touching them. He could really be a monster to mess with.
Imagine Shiryu knocking a sword out of Zoros hand and the sword legit disappears, all presence and look of it. Would actually be a pretty good counter to swordsman.
He could also royally fuck with a battle zone by placing invisible traps throughout the field (hes underhanded so is a solid use)
The biggest upgrade the clear clear fruit has that Germa tech doesn’t is the ability to imbue other things with invisibility.
that can be detected with coo
but the ability to turn your environment invisible is not even the awakening of it , its something else
the advantage is that it can reach a further level as with most df.
Dishonest comparison. Goro is clearly superior given it's massive scale and logia properties. At base value clear clear fruit is on same level with MADS tefh
at base what the goro goro offers is changing the users body (logia)
at base what the suke suke no mi offers s turning your environment invisible
you dont know what you are talking about
enel using lightning to a massive scale isnt the distinction from germa tech lad.
the reason enel could even do that is that he infact isnt a scrub
cant say the same for absalom.
Function wise - Stealth Black is either equal or slightly superior to Suke. Both are visuals and can be detect by CoO. I only said that Stealth is better than Suke function wise because pre-timeskip Sanji actually detects and hits Absalom while Stealth is hard to detect unless you have decent CoO.
Ability wise - Suke got this. Stealth can only allows you to go invisible while Suke can turns objects that you touched invisible.
But Awakened Suke will makes Shiryu to be intangible and can't be detected by CoO and FS users. Hype for that.
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