Current Events Rank the characters from the most impressive to the least impressive from Chapter 1002

Luffy doesn't really get credit for lightning because he couldn't dodge it and has a natural immunity, but he still shook Mama with his resistance and attitude. He properly tanked Kaido and got off a number of shots, even if his attack power isn't doing a whole lot.

Zoro didn't get a durability feat, but showcased the best attack power short of possibly Thunder Bagua. When he connects again it might be a wrap.

Big Mom if unchecked has the best attacks. None of them were an OHKO but still.

Kaido's durability and stamina make him a threat even when he's getting pummeled. Obviously he has better attacks than we've seen, too.

Killer pulled out the best new move with his sonic blades.

Luffy learns Soru from getting manhandled. Sanji learns Geppou by running from drag queens. Luffy learns Future Sight and Lvl 3 Haki because he's seen them used before and really needs them now.

Zoro sees an interior swordsman pull a neat trick, then sails with him for two weeks. How the fuck did he learn??
Atleast learning process has been shown for haki and FS and Luffy is yet to master both haki and use it casually like Katakuri or Rayleigh did. Kinemon didn't teach Zoro anything about that technique but he just copied did he have sharingan or what? Same with BOAT but that is acceptable because it is similar to FS powerup.
Anyways whole point of argument is that pot shouldn't call kettle black. Everything is according to plot convenience. Next chapter Zoro will show that he can cut lightening but we will cum because it is Zoro but for others it is 'plot convenience'.
1. Luffy: Easily dodging Kaido wind attacks, Hit Kaido 3 times, Withstood BM's lightning and Kaido's Boro's breath.
2. Killer: Easily dodging a Wind schythe, almost split Kaido in half.
3. Law: Dodging Kaido biting attack then hitting him with Gamma Knife, Teleporting Zoro.
4. Zoro: Deflecting a wind schythe, cutting Kaido's Boro breath and cutting Onigashima's horn (I'd have put him equal to Killer or even Luffy but Oden whatever aura in Enma ruined it for me).
5. Kidd: Flipping Kaido over and blocking one of Big Mom's lightnings.

Though the real Mvp is Big Mom. She was a beast and real menace in the chapter. However Kaido was also a beast for withstanding everything thrown at him and coming out unscathed like a champ.
Atleast learning process has been shown for haki and FS and Luffy is yet to master both haki and use it casually like Katakuri or Rayleigh did. Kinemon didn't teach Zoro anything about that technique but he just copied did he have sharingan or what? Same with BOAT but that is acceptable because it is similar to FS powerup.
Anyways whole point of argument is that pot shouldn't call kettle black. Everything is according to plot convenience. Next chapter Zoro will show that he can cut lightening but we will cum because it is Zoro but for others it is 'plot convenience'.
Definitely, plot convenient is everywhere in One Piece. But the point is that Luffy has absurd amount of them to the point that makes story looks like a joke. To name a few:

Wano: His reckless behavior makes him confront with Kaido and lose. What next? He turned prison into training camp, and even got Haki trainer. The funny thing is that no SH has sense of urgency to rescue their captain as if they know enemy will do nothing when it is about Luffy. In contrast, look at Kids, Killer, and Ace consequences after reckless behaviors.

WCI: He make Kata looks really dump by throwing away very effective weapon. Be able to tank hundreds of Katakuri's attacks by just stupid willpower and be able to obtain a future sight ability like peeling a banana.

Dressarosa: turn everybody stupid to push birdcage instead of going after Dofla.

If you think zoro learn to cut fire is a plot armor in similar magnitude as Luffy, you are blinded due to Luffy's obsession.
Definitely, plot convenient is everywhere in One Piece. But the point is that Luffy has absurd amount of them to the point that makes story looks like a joke. To name a few:
Wano: His reckless behavior makes him confront with Kaido and lose. What next? He turned prison into training camp, and even got Haki trainer. The funny thing is that no SH has sense of urgency to rescue their captain as if they know enemy will do nothing when it is about Luffy. In contrast, look at Kids, Killer, and Ace consequences after reckless behaviors.

WCI: He make Kata looks really dump by throwing away very effective weapon. Be able to tank hundreds of Katakuri's attacks by just stupid willpower and be able to obtain a future sight ability like peeling a banana.

Dressarosa: turn everybody stupid to push birdcage instead of going after Dofla.

If you think zoro learn to cut fire is a plot armor in similar magnitude as Luffy, you are blinded due to Luffy's obsession.

Now we are back to magnitude of so called convenience? I am not obsessed with Luffy. You are obsessed with so called convenience and act like it happens with Luffy only. Even before Luffy, Zoro became wanted man what do you have to say about that? Did he face any so called consequences? He attacked Orochi did he face any consequences? How is Luffy at fault when SH didn't worry about him or Udon became summer camp? Are you even trying to make sense? You are talking about the withstanding Katakuri attacks but what about Zoro or any other 'normal person' being alive after high voltage lightening attacks? Why did you not talk about that convenience? Or Zoro taking Luffy whole pain and living when sample of pain Kuma sent to him before going into bubble tormented Zoro like hell? So either call everything as a plot convenience or just shut up. You don't like something about Luffy doesn't make it plot convenience while you casually ignoring others. That makes you hypocrite which you are.

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Definitely, plot convenient is everywhere in One Piece. But the point is that Luffy has absurd amount of them to the point that makes story looks like a joke. To name a few:
Wano: His reckless behavior makes him confront with Kaido and lose. What next? He turned prison into training camp, and even got Haki trainer. The funny thing is that no SH has sense of urgency to rescue their captain as if they know enemy will do nothing when it is about Luffy. In contrast, look at Kids, Killer, and Ace consequences after reckless behaviors.

WCI: He make Kata looks really dump by throwing away very effective weapon. Be able to tank hundreds of Katakuri's attacks by just stupid willpower and be able to obtain a future sight ability like peeling a banana.

Dressarosa: turn everybody stupid to push birdcage instead of going after Dofla.

If you think zoro learn to cut fire is a plot armor in similar magnitude as Luffy, you are blinded due to Luffy's obsession.

Zoro cutting fire just like that is still a plot convenience. Seems like you set scale of magnitude for your god so high while for Luffy very low.

btb it is you who is joke. Half of your points has nothing to do with Luffy and the current discussion.


3 Palestine
Big Mom: Took down the SNs and also protected her little brother.

Luffy: The only SN standing and took Boro breath like a boss. He did let me down in the last panel by not pummeling Big Mom. I could have sworn it was Big Mom who struck down Zoro and not Kaido but whatever

Zoro: Made Kaido and Big Mom shook and also protected his captain.

Killer: Easily the most improved SN, he basically did the damn thing. I still don't understand how his scythes got bigger but he did manage to damage Kaido

Law: Protected Luffy indirectly and used Gamma Knife on Kaido.

Kidd: Suplexing Kaido was sick af idc.

Kaido: I am really disappointed with this guy ngl. For someone who wanted to die gloriously, he looked shook when he saw Zoro sliced the horn off. I am also tired of hearing him mention Oden every damn time.
Atleast learning process has been shown for haki and FS and Luffy is yet to master both haki and use it casually like Katakuri or Rayleigh did. Kinemon didn't teach Zoro anything about that technique but he just copied did he have sharingan or what? Same with BOAT but that is acceptable because it is similar to FS powerup.
Anyways whole point of argument is that pot shouldn't call kettle black. Everything is according to plot convenience. Next chapter Zoro will show that he can cut lightening but we will cum because it is Zoro but for others it is 'plot convenience'.
The guy's whole fucking deal is cutting through things. Back in the Buggy arc he lamented that he couldn't cut prison bars and that stuck until alabasta, when he caught onto a concept that literally explained how he could come to cut anything with enough stake in the plot. And then there was Haki which guaranteed cutting the non solid results that come from primary or secondary DF powers. We didn't even need Foxfire tbh, that was just a freebie idea.

But you wanted to see Zoro sitting in the bamboo fields meditating on cutting fire? No offense but you're probably the only one.

Now we are back to magnitude of so called convenience? I am not obsessed with Luffy. You are obsessed with so called convenience and act like it happens with Luffy only. Even before Luffy, Zoro became wanted man what do you have to say about that? Did he face any so called consequences? He attacked Orochi did he face any consequences? How is Luffy at fault when SH didn't worry about him or Udon became summer camp? Are you even trying to make sense? You are talking about the withstanding Katakuri attacks but what about Zoro or any other 'normal person' being alive after high voltage lightening attacks? Why did you not talk about that convenience? Or Zoro taking Luffy whole pain and living when sample of pain Kuma sent to him before going into bubble tormented Zoro like hell? So either call everything as a plot convenience or just shut up. You don't like something about Luffy doesn't make it plot convenience while you casually ignoring others. That makes you hypocrite which you are.
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Zoro cutting fire just like that is still a plot convenience. Seems like you set scale of magnitude for your god so high while for Luffy very low.

btb it is you who is joke. Half of your points has nothing to do with Luffy and the current discussion.
It is ridiculous to see you try bringing up zoro cutting fire as a plot convenient similar to Luffy. Zoro expressed interests and follow Kinemon to observe his technique since Punk Hazard. And he try to accomplish "breath of all things" since decade ago.

I don't know if you actually read One Piece. Zoro takes Luffy pain and then he clearly got the consequence. In Wano, Zoro become wanted man so he needs to stay outside Flower Capital. It is absurd to see you try to bring up Orochi to counter my statement about Luffy's consequence after losing Kaido, the Yonko.

Also, bringing up why normal human can survive from lightning make you a joke. This is One Piece world and this is how it works. All normal people can survive from lightning and this applies to every character in the One Piece world, not a specific one.

It is pointless to argue with you and I will stop now.
1. Luffy is obviously carrying this fight. The only guy in the group that can actually 1v1 a Yonkou head-on. Tanking attacks, dodging others and dishing out his fair share without any trouble/extra exertion. Goodness gracious he's a monster. (Just needs awakening to put the icing on the cake).
2. BM finally doesn't get nerfed by PIS. Zeus stomping on folks at the moment after everyone and their mother has an ability to counter fire attacks in One Piece.
3. Killer- very impressed by that sonic attack. Its size and overall attack power was outside of my expectations.

4. Zoro- very high potential for his attack, (only for it to miss). Cut's fire with Law's help (meh).
5. Law- best support character in One Piece by far, just hasn't really done anything spectacular. GK needs to hit the right spot but he isn't having stamina issues at all.
Kaido - didn't do anything special (and to me his durability is a bit nerfed). His attacks are getting (relatively) no sold by everyone.
Kidd - He's definitely going to get his moment with Law. Solid durability/defensive showings though, nothing really flashy.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how well Killer is doing right now? Sure he got knocked out but my man was putting mad work against the Yonko. Wasn't a huge fan of Killer at first but he's starting to grow on me. Proud of my boy.:myman: