Current Events Rank the characters from the most impressive to the least impressive from Chapter 1002

1. Big Mom- She actually does shit. That's enough to put her on 1.
2. Luffy - Carrying the fight as per usual, saved Killer, pummeled the fuck out of Kaidou.
3. Kaiou - tanked every thing thrown at him as per usual
4. Killer - Actually smart enough to use a whole new way to attack Kaidou
5. Zoro - neg-diffed Kaidou wind slice, neg-diffed Boros Breath, would have severly hurt Kaidou had he not dodged, actually forced Kaidou to dodge for the first time
6. Kid - snap Kaidou's spine
7. Law - he did the usual Law thingy, nothing new.

Honourable mention: Zeus.
1. Big Mom- She actually does shit. That's enough to put her on 1.
2. Luffy - Carrying the fight as per usual, saved Killer, pummeled the fuck out of Kaidou.
3. Kaiou - tanked every thing thrown at him as per usual
4. Killer - Actually smart enough to use a whole new way to attack Kaidou
5. Zoro - neg-diffed Kaidou wind slice, neg-diffed Boros Breath, would have severly hurt Kaidou had he not dodged, actually forced Kaidou to dodge for the first time
6. Kid - snap Kaidou's spine
7. Law - he did the usual Law thingy, nothing new.

Honourable mention: Zeus.
Agree,although I would switch Zoro and Killer and also Kid and Law did equally good to me.

Seriously, the Supernovas are the most hyped characters in the series until they come into action. Most of them haven't made any achievements since their introduction. The only one that surprised me was Bege (the best SN) when he resisted BM's attacks in WCI. Of the rest of the Supernovas, Urouge at least beat Snack. Law, on the other hand, is still not at Doffy's level.
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1)BM - Her attacks damaged 4/5 SN

2) Luffy- Carry the fight on behalf of the supernovas, landed 3 attacks on Kaido, save Killer and tanked 2 yonko attacks

3) Zoro- BM acknowledge him, cut
Onigashima horn, protect his captain, ENMA hype

4) Kaido- Tanked all the attacks like a Boss

5) Killer- His attack really amazed me

6) Law- Hurt Kaido with Gamma Knife

7) Kid- slams Kaido
Tier 1:
Luffy (Dodged Kaido's blades, Put Kaido on the back foot with rifle which set up the two captains sneak attacks, Saved Killers LIFE, negated and trolled BM's attack, threatened BM after she damaged Zoro, powered through Kaido's Boro breath showing he has the most guts and endurance out of any of the SNs atm)
BM (did very well to BTFO the SNs easily but too reliant on sneak attacks to be Luffy level so far)

Tier 2:
Kaido (Put pressure on all the SNs requiring intercepts from many of them)
Zoro (Showed off his strongest 1 sword technique with his strongest blade and shocked big Mom initially with the haki output)

Tier 3:
Law (teleported Zoro to get his attack readied, did some damage with Gamma Knife)
Killer (cool new attack)

Bottom Tier:
Kid (needs to step up his game ASAP)